False Roots Flashcards
This deck sets aside a list of words where rooting really shouldn't be used in the selection process. They represent the "trap" words in SAT vocabulary. Study these words carefully and remember that rooting them can lead to wrong conclusions for most of them.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: slow-moving
It’s the way glaciers move.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: someone who bases beliefs on strict interpretation of core texts
Not related so closely to money or funds.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to lower a reputation.
It is related to the Latin root for black, but the connection is an offensive one today.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: gem cutting
Has nothing to do with lap, or lapping.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to stick a stick through
Has nothing to do with being pale, though you’d probably turn pale if you were properly impaled.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: sad, doleful, like a funeral sad
There is no crime here.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to mock; to act or talk like someone in a ridiculing way
No one is crying, unless they are mimicked unmercifully.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: aiding in memory
Has nothing to do with nemesis.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: meal
Has nothing to do with again, passing, or the past.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: really picky, having unattainable standards
Has nothing to do with either speed or not eating.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Positive AND negative meaning:
- compromise is positive in that it solves difficulties, shows respect
- compromise is negative referring to principles, showing a lack of conviction
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: unable to keep still
The opposite of rest.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: silly
Not fat.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: hidden within, capable or surfacing
Not related to being late.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: in a state of confusion
Not related to when.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to complain bitterly
You’d think you know this word, and eliminate it, and THEN, you’d be wrong.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: deriving ideas, style or taste from a variety of sources
Not related to lecture or electric.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: reserved in speech, unwilling to speak too much
There is no turn here, neither left nor right.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: giving shelter or help
Wanna bet it has nothing to do with a wager.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: unfeeling, hard-hearted
It doesn’t mean “call us.”
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: prove something to be nonsense
Doesn’t mean dumping someone out of their bed at camp.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: socially proper
Not really too closely related to decoration.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: incorrect, misleading
Not so much “fall”, but “FAIL”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: words to live by
Not related to maximum or scantily clad celebrities.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
SAT Meaning: to annoy, pester
It’s a fish, but a badger, a nag, a termagent, and a shrew are all just animals. They all have meanings related to being a royal pain.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: explain systematically and in great detail
The word is related to “ponder” which means “to weigh, to wonder at, to consider deeply, to mull over”, but it is really probably better not to root this one.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: defiant, unapologetic
Neither “calcium” nor “calculate” leads you to the right meaning here.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: able to be defended or maintained
Doesn’t mean “able to be ten”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: respected as a serious challenge, formidable, commanding respect
Doesn’t not mean “able to doubt again” or “able to be doubted again”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: charming, pleasing
Doesn’t mean “some that you win”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to explain in a sketchy way
“Umbrella” doesn’t really help. There’s no dumb here.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: clearsighted, insightful to the point it seems supernatural
“Voyage” is not in this word.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: loud noise from generally various sources
Sinces clams never contribute to any clamor, the word is not related to the tasty mollusk.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: secret, covert
Has nothing to do with the destiny of the clan.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning both: to chop apart, separate AND to stick to (something)
Not really a false root, but watch out because a child cleaves to his mother and your tongue can cleave to the roof of your mouth.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: based upon observations or experience, capable of being proved or disproven
This word is used in science related to data and is not related to the empire.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: offensive, unpleasant, usually to the sense of smell
More like “annoying” than “noisy”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: unclear
Not having to do with bigness though.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: comes with, included as a necessary step
Maybe as the tail comes with the dog.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to take up as a cause
Not really so close to the “husband” or “wife”.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to cease motion, progress, or change
Not a deer named Nate.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: related to trees
Although trees can be boring.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: obscure, known to a select few, secret
Doesn’t have anything to do with a cane.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: moral attitudes and fixed customs of people
Not related to having more.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: a smack or punch, a blow
Of course it also means a spread of food where you serve yourself. You wouldn’t want a buffet of buffets, because that would be a savage beatdown.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: loss of strength or size due to lack of use
Not really related to a trophy.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: to lessen or reduce
A “cur” is an old word for dog, but this doesn’t mean doggy tail.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: asserting a position based on faith, not fact
Again, no dog here.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: humor based in rude or vulgar subject matter
Has little to do with bald dudes, although they might dig ribald humor.
Describe the following “trap” word that can easily be falsely rooted:
Meaning: overabundant in supply, indulgent
No one is surfing here, although there could be a surfeit of wonderwaves.