Falls Flashcards
How would issues with vestibula system change gait?
tend to veer over to one side
often stagger to correct this
what are the consequences of falling?
fear of falling
More cautious and less active
hesitant gait
muscle loss and deteirotation of baalnce
risk of falls increases

what is a fall
a fall is an event which results in a perrson coming to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower level
Describe NICe guidline for fall assessment and prevention in older people
chron ic conditions that affect balance (arthritis, diabetes, stroke, PD and dementia)
gait, balance and mobility probelms
Osteoporosis risk
Percieved impaired functional ability and feart of falling
visual impairment
what are the 3 job sof doctros after a fall has occured?

how can overative bladder increase fall risk
risk of fall due to urgency
what medications increase risk of falls at night
analgesi/ s;eeping meeication
how can OA increasing risk of falling?
hip causing pain and reduced mobility
what is the cause of Ataxia? what is ataxia
Cereberllar - ataxia
wide based gait (dunk loike
Describe an anxiety gait
response to fear of falling
hesitant, leaning slightliy forward looking at feet.
increase risk of falling as centre of gravity tileted forward and less sensory inoput from eyes about surroudnings
how do visual difficutlies affect gait
small hesitant steps
describe the p[arkisonin gait
parkinsonian shuffling festinant gait