Fall 17 comp exam Neuromuscular rehab Flashcards
What grasp would you have at year 1?
3 jaw chuck
What scale shows percent delay?
Which reflex would you expect to integrate by 9 months?
supporting Rxns
NDT core principle
creative interventions
Which brunstrumm stage would you expect the patient to move out of synergy?
stage IV
APGAR, what is is testing?
appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration
When do babies 1st learn to prone prop?
4 months
When do babies begin to creep?
7-10 months
Startle reflex?
Moro reflex
When do babies extend their head for STNR?
UE extended and LE flexed
What blood flow is affected if the patient has brocas aphasia?
Middle cerebral artery
For a Right hemisphere stroke, pt demonstrated?
L sided neglect, reckless
Patient has tone in all extremities, LE more involved
spastic diplegia
R hemiplegia and side stepping, compensate for weak abductors
list to L side, the contralateral side
What is not seen with ALS?
change in mental cognition