Factual Knowledge Flashcards
term: peninsulares
Europeans from the Iberian peninsula living in Latin America
term: creoles
a person of Spanish descent, born in the colonies, identifies with Latin America
term: mazombo
descendants of settlers from Portugal, identifies with Latin America
term: mestizo
a person of mixed blood, European and indigenous
term: mulato
Black and European person
term: zambo
black and indigenous
term: mercantilism
an economic strategy whereby a country gains wealth through trade and protectionism - increased exports and decreased imports
term: absolutism
political doctrine where the authority of the sovereign is unlimited and centralised
term: Bourbon reforms
Economic and political reforms carried out by Charles III - enlightened absolutism - 2nd conquest of Spanish America - 18th C
term: Pombaline reforms
Prime Minister Pombal - economic, political, and social reforms for Brazil in attempt to make Brazil economically self-sufficient - 18th C
term: intendencia
instrument of royal centralisation - aim to increase Spanish monarchies control over colonies - only peninsulares could work in these
term: cabildo
council - local government - creoles barred from office
term: cãmara
Municipal chamber in colonial Brazil
term: patronato
System whereby the crown controlled major appointments of church officials and church revenues
term: bandeirante
Portuguese settlers in Brazil - fortune hunters - expanded the borders of Brazilian colony
name: Charles III
Bourbon king of Spain - enlightened absolutism - Bourbon reforms - reined 1759-1788
name: Marquis de Pombal
Prime Minister of Portugal (1750-1777) - economic reforms based on Enlightenment thinking
date: treaty of Tordesillas
1494 (establishes line that separates Spanish America and Portuguese territory)
date: treaty of Madrid
1750 (established borders between Span and Portuguese empires - Brazil goes to Portugal)
date: peak for Bourbon reforms
date: peak for Pombaline reforms
date: edict of Maria I
1785 (backlash to Pombaline reforms, closure of manufactures and trading companies)
place: Spanish viceroyalties in the Americas
- New Granada
- New Spain
- Rio de la Plata
- Peru
term: Enlightenment
18th C intellectual movement - focus on reason and science
term: moderado
dominant in the anti-colonial movement - made up of big landowners - wanted autonomy within Spanish empire
term: exaltado
radical minority in anti-colonial movement - middle class intellectuals and crafts industry - wanted independence
date: Tupac Amaru revolt in Peru
date: Inconfidência Mineira, Minas Conspiracy, in Brazil
date: Inconfidência Baiana, Bahia Conspiracy, in Brazil
name: Tupac Amaru
led and indigenous revolt against Spanish colonial rule 1780-83
name: José Joaquim da Maia
Minieras conspiracy in Brazil - appeals to Thomas Jefferson to help Brazil become independent
name: Tiradentes
led the anti-colonial movement in Villa Rica in 1889 - literally ‘tooth puller’
places: epicentre of Tupac Amaru revolt
Cusco and La Paz
places: epicentre of Miniera conspiracy
Minas Gera
places: epicentre of Baiana conspiracy