factors influencing choice of method - PET factors Flashcards
what are the three factors that influence choice of method?
practical, ethical and theoretical
what does practical stand for ?
things that affect your ability to do reaserch
name the 11 practical things that influence your research?
access, time , money, requairement of funding bodies, personal skills and characteristics of the reseacher, subject matter, language, gate keeper, recording data, complexity of the setting and spatial issues
wether you can get access to the participant
how long will you have to complete the research
how much money will be spent conducting the research
requairements of funding bodies?
who is paying for your research as they have control on wether you can publish it or not
personal skills and the chararcteristics of the researcher?example?
certain skills requaire a particular characteristics like communications in interviews
subject matter?example
wether it will be a sensetive subject to like reseachering domestic violence
wether you and the participants have to appropiate language skills
those you control your access to the information like a headteacher
recording data?
wether the researcher can collect data during the study
Complexity of the setting?example?
the issue that can arise due to how complex the study being conducted is like globalisation
spetial issues?
where the research will take place and wether the participant or you is in any danger
what does ethical stand for?
moral concerns raised by the research
what are the 7 moral concerns raised during research?
informed consent, confidentiality and privacy, psychological harm, vulnerable groups, deception, right to withdraw and guilty knowlege
informed consent?
wether the perticipant has given permission and is fully informed and what is going to take place during the research
Confidentiality and Privacy?
where the researcher can not declose any personal information about the participants like there name and identity
psychological harm?
wether the research will cause mental distress to the participants involved in the research
vunerable groups?
where special care taken with participants that are vulnerable during the research
where participants are lied to in order to carry on with the research like in a covert research
Right to withdraw?
where the participants must have the right to withdraw from the research whenever they want
guilty knowlege?
where the researcher learns something which will puth them in a moral dilemmma
what does theoretical stand for?
related to the scientific or non- scientific nature of the research
what are the 7 theroritical things that relate to the scientic and non scientific nature of the reseach?
valifity,reliablity,resentativeness, objectivity/detachment,subjectivity/attachment, verstehen and impression management
the truthfullness or accuracy of the data
wether the research can be carried out mutiply times and still care the same consistancy
how far we can generalise the research with a geneal population in society.
the researcher keeps there personal views out of the research
where the researcher implements there personal views into the research
putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
impression management?
when participants cahnge their behaviour to win social approval