Factors Affecting Aircraft Performance Flashcards
Jet transporters have high residual thrust that pilots must apply brakes while taxiing.
What do long taxi routes mean for brakes?
They’re hot
Try and reduce take-off delays and don’t ask them to expedite taxi
Are hot brakes efficient?
What can hot brakes lead to?
Reduces effectiveness and can cause tyre bursting
Which high are jet engines more efficient at, high or low?
What is the top of descent?
When the FMS will have told the pilot the optimum point for the commencement of descent
What are the two economical complaints?
1) given long routing at low level
2) ATC applies poor speed control when they are in landing configuration (fuel consumption high)
What are ecological problems?
Noise, pollutants serious consequences of low long high drag approach to landing.
If the aircraft suffers from hydronic problems will it be easy or harder to fly?
If the flaps aren’t used for the approach will the aircraft come in at a faster or slower approach speed?
List some factors thy affect take-off performance? (9 in total)
- take off mass (Load+A/C weight) - Power -Elevation of airfield - Runway (length/slope/ camber) - Air Temperature -Wind (Strength and Direction) -Noise abatement n ATC -Company Instructions - Servicability
List some factors that affect performance during the climb(6 in total)
1 Mass (Load and A/C weight) 2 Speed 3 Wind (strength and direction) 4 Cabin Pressurisation 5 Air temperature 6 Air Density
What factors effect performance during cruise?(5 factors)
1) Mass
2) Cruising Speed
3) Wind
(Strength n Speed)
4)Cabin Pressurisation
5) Level
What factors effect and aircraft landing?
9 factors
1) Landing Mass
2) AD Elevation
3) Runway
4) Air temperature
5) Wind
6) ATC
7) Company Instructions
8) Pilot preferences
9) Aircraft Configuration