Factitious Disorders Flashcards
Background of psychological arm illness
personal and cultural interpretation of symptoms and events
person’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs, behaviors and circumstances are as important or even more important than pathophysiology in determining symptom intensity and disability
various behaviours to deal with the effect of the illness or the injury
take time to consider advises and give time to the patient to think about the whole situation - no pressure
it is necessary to improve health and wellness thoughts, emotions and behaviours in response to the symptoms
our mind can play tricks to us!!!
mind can overreact to a pain sensations that is not dangerous
often people who believe what they feel even in light of real facts
affect amplifies or buffers the impact of disease and impairment
depression, anxiety, heightened illness concerns), life stress (stress, stage of life, financial distress)
coping strategies
strategies the affect how we deal with symptoms, illness or impairment
different coping strategies - “I will be fine!” positive - “Catastrophizing” negative
catastrophic thinking leads to greater symptoms and limitations and delayed return to work
extreme form of this aspect is “somatoform disorders” - very great negative coping effect - heightened illness concern (not use hypochondriasis - stigma!!!)
pain wired to provide a signal of trouble (fight or flight system)
psychological traits are important - pain may exacerbate depressive symptoms or become a somatic focus
patients with greater symptoms of anxiety or depression experience more pain with cts and after surgery or trauma
measuring psychological aspects of illness
Depression subscale of the patient health questionnaire (PHQ)
catastrophic thinking:
Pain catastrophizing scale (PCS)
Heightened illness concern:
Health anxiety inventory, whitley index, somatic symptoms inventory
secondary gain and malingering
secondary gain maybe the reason for perpetuated symptoms and disability.
current theories emphasize secondary gain in terms a social learning model where environmental reinforce chronicity
in contrast is malingering where a patient pretend to be sick or exaggerates a condition in order to gain a particular objective
there is a continuum between secondary gain and malingering
Fatitous Lymphedema
painless swelling and denial of any knowledge of the cause
“broken window pattern” distal to the site of tourniquet
attributed to occupational activities
defined point from the shoulder to distal - not always is a history of tourniquet recognizable
splinting over night
carefully talk to the patient to bring him to a Psychiatric
Factitious ulceration
history of trivial trauma
wounds do not heal because of the manipulation of the patient
splinting over night is the best therapy
maybe some patients can manipulate the wounds with a wire or something else
dysfunctional postures
claimed inability to use the hand
classic position is the clenched fist
3 ulnar fingers are in a flexed position while thumb and index finger are usually can be used normal
different and various postures are known!!!
pain while examination the patient
maybe the patient should be observed at night with a camera
lacerations are usually longitudinal or oblique,
often with borderline patiens, which is a condition characterized by difficulty with affect regulation and self-soothing
secretan syndrome
result of a patient who repeatedly striking the dorsum of the hand with swelling initially and later a pertendonous fibrosis of the extendor tendons
combination of secondary gain and conversion reaction
Munchausen syndrome
histoy of many illnesses with many operations - tend to go from one medical facility to another - know everything about the disease
if there deception is realized they go to the next doctor
somatomform disorders
characterized by physical symptoms that suggest a medical condition in the absence of pathophysiology or another mental disorder that accounts for the symptoms
pain disorder
pain is the predominant focus
pain causes substantial disability and distress
predominant etiology is felt to be psychological
somatization disorders
unexplained somatic symptoms in addition to pain
pruritus, nausea, numbness
full criteria:
4 pain symptoms
2 gastrointestinal symptoms
1 sexual symptom
1 neurological symptom
common among patients with chronic pain
excessive attention to internal stimuli (“sensory amplification”) combined with a denial of psychological or interpersonal difficulties
conversion disorder
motor or sensory defect cannot explained by pathophysiology, psychological factors are judged to be associated with such symptoms
symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned
motor, sensory, epileptiform or mixed
for example: patient with sudden onset of arm weakness or inability to lift the hand
idea of having a serous disease
duration of more than 6 month with symptoms that are not better accounted for by other psychological disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, pain disorder or generalized anxiety disorder
non-specific illness
challenge for health care providers, catastrophic thinking,
physician can trapp into the patient’s catastrophic thinking - “stress contagion” - feelings like eagerness (Eifer), restlessness or even desperation
numbers of diagnoses and treatments without improving health or wellness
biopsychological framework - physicians have to learn to step back, embrace the limitations of modern medicine - both pathophysiological and psychological
recognition of factitious disorders, somatization disorders and the influence of distress on pain intensity and disability
such as illness construction:
writer’s cramp, cumulative trauma disorder, occupational overuse syndrome, work-related upper limb disorder
Recogizing factitious illness and avoiding mistaken diagnosis
warning signs:
- seeking treatment at many health facilities without a clear diagnosis after multiple tests and operations
- severe symptoms that are not consistent with what seems to be a minor incident or injury
- multiple wounds or scars
- symptoms of swelling and stiffness, that are reported to be changing and worsening without apparent cause
- a desire and willingness for further testing and treatment that has little, if any, justification
often mistreated CRPS Type I, no resolving of symptoms, the disease stays, developing of a nocebo-effect
Management of patients with factitious disorders
patients have a need to be injured or disabled, usually without seeking financial gain
mostly personality disorders or try to get attention at home (parents, spouse or family members)
difficult to treat - requires a high level of trust and frequently family support
surgeons are most effective, see themselves as part of a larger team that can ensure we take advantage of all opportunities to get and stay healthy
human experience of symptoms and disease is a product of the normal function of the human mind, filtered by circumstances, mindset and stress - cultivate good communication skills and learn to be cautious with tests, treatments, hand health advice, keeping all options for health and wellness in mind