What is O&M?
Operations and Maintenance;
“To make the building last it’s lifetime”
Explain the importance of Sustainability:
Conserving energy and resources while maintaining quality of life
State the four issues that would be reported to Facilities for maintenance:
- Interior/Exterior of building
- Utility Systems
- Parking Lots
- Grounds
What is the difference between Preventative Maintenance and Corrective Maintenance:
Preventative; “before it breaks” -cleaning, lubricating
Corrective; “after it breaks” -replacing lights
What is the role of the NAVFAC San Diego Trouble Desk:
Fixing what NIOC can’t when the repair exceeds our capabilities;
EX: A/C Malfunction, Ceiling, Plumbing, Electricity
Identify what the Unified Facilities Criteria 3-600-1 Manual establishes:
Fire Protection Engineering Policy;
Agents: CO2, ABC, Overhead Sprinklers
What actions should be taken upon discovery of a fire?
- Pull Alarm
- Spread Word
- Call Fire Department
- Call other building
- If safety allows, combat small fires
What documents are considered in the Facilities O&M process?
- Executive Order 13423
- Energy Policy Act of 2005
- Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
What is Executive Order 13423?
Mandates all federal buildings be metered for energy use
What is the Facilities Project Manual?
As per Executive Order 13423 whats the annual reduction of energy use?
As per Executive Order 13423 whats total energy reduction goal by the end of FY2015?
Fleet wide gas mileage for auto makers expected by 2020?
MPG that a passenger vehicle must get in order to levy a Gas Guzzler Tax?
All federal building must be carbon-neutral by what year?