Facilitate Groups Flashcards
What Is Facilitation?
Facilitation is the act of helping a group of people to deal with a process, work together and/or reach an agreement or solution without becoming directly involved.
Why is it important to establish both individual and group goals when establishing a group?
Individual goals are important as they are specific to each person and what they want to achieve. Group goals are important as they allow groups to work together and strive to achieve a common goal. It creates collaboration and team work.
What is S.M.A.R.T?
S.M.A.R.T is a technique for goal setting, this will ensure that all goals set are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
(Specifying of common goals)
This is where the group first meets, Everyone is generally positive and polite.
(conflicts and negotiations)
(consensus and team spirit)
At this stage, differences have been resolved and participants start to work cohesively together towards a common goal.
-Respect is developing amongst the group
-Team members begin to socialize with eachother.
team starts to perform and work together
(Finalizing group achievements and gaining feedback)
What makes a good leader?
A good leader is someone who is supportive and encouraging inspiring and motivating
Leadership styles
Authoritarian/disciplinarian (autocratic)
Laissez-faire (delegative)
Participative (democratic)
Authoritarian/disciplinarian 😐(autocratic)
This type of leader has complete control and makes all the decisions with minimal involvement form the group.
Laissez-faire (delegative)😎
This leader delegates decisions to the group. Provides the group with general guidance and then lets them go about their responsibilities.
Participative (democratic)😀
In this leadership style members of the group participate in decision making. ideas, opinions and discussion is encouraged.
What is needed to achieve optimal task allocation?
task allocation
Define Mentoring
Mentoring is the process of transferring knowledge and skills from one person to another. It is when someone with experience and expertise acts as a role model and leads someone who is less experienced to become better.
How mentoring benefits the mentee?
Mentoring benefits the mentee through providing them an opportunity to ask questions and work one-on-one with someone who is highly experienced.
How mentoring benefits the mentor?
Mentoring benefits the mentor through developing their coaching, facilitation and leadership skills.
How mentoring benefits an organisation/business?
The organisation/business benefits from mentoring through developing a professional development culture while also saving money on external training.
What does it take to be a good mentor?
- Provide advice and act as a role model.
- Encourage continual improvement.
- Support and respond to the individuals needs.
Describe the best process for allocated tasks?
- List all of the tasks that need to be allocated and rank them in order of importance.
- List the competencies required for the task
- List the competencies of the group members
- Match the competencies of the task to group members.
- Ensure the tasks are clearly assigned and explained.
After allocating tasks how could you ensure that group members are accountable for the tasks they have been allocated?
documenting them regularly
monitor their progress.
What are group dynamics and why are they important?
Group dynamics relates to how people interact in a group situation. The are important as they directly influence a groups ability to work cohesively and collaboratively together. A group that does not work cohesively together may find it challenging to make decisions and problem solve, resulting in poor choices.
Verbal communication
Is what you say and how you say it.
Non-verbal communication
Is about your gestures and body language.
Written communication
Is written words including, email, texts, social media, memos, notes and letters.
How can you ensure decisions are made effectively?
through employing a decision-making process. Groups members should be encouraged to voice their opinions and contribute to discussions. This way everyone feels engaged and part of the process.
Describe how conflict can be both a negative and a positive situation for a group?
Conflict that is approached in a positive way can challenge people ideas. If it is done respectfully this can be productive, generating more ideas and conversation. On the other hand, conflict that is negative can be detrimental to a group if not addressed and appropriately dealt with. It can destroy working relationships making it impossible for people to work together.
Outcomes of conflict
Is where both parties feel they won the dispute. Everyone is happy with the outcome and can continue working together.
Is where one party gets what they want and the other doesn’t
Is where neither party gets what they wanted. This outcome most often occurs when negotiations fail and the parties walk away from the relationship.
Steps involved in resolving conflict.
- Confront the conflict-
- Understand each other’s position-
- Involve those affected by the decision
- Define the problem-
- Search and evaluate alternative solutions.
- Agree upon and implement the best solution.
What makes a goof facilitator
A good facilitator ensures that the group works well together, respects each others opinions and ideas and allows the group to evolve on its own
Group facilitation
This is the process of helping a group of people to discover and understand their common objectives or goals and then helping them to make a plan to achieve them.
What is a S.M.A.R.T Goal?
A technique that ensures all goals are set . are specific measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.
A good mentee can?
Work one-on-one with someone experienced.
helps improve communication skills and confidence.
Is exposed to new ideas and gets to ask questions.
A good mentor can..
Develop coaching, facilitation & leadership skills.
Strengthens communication & active listening skills.
Opportunity to learn from the mentee.
Task allocation
This requires facilitators together with team members to divide and assign specific tasks that need to be completed to meet a goal.
Group Dynamics includes:
Communication, decision making, conflict resolution, respect, safety and trust.
Conflict resolution methods
-Withdrawal or avoiding
-Forcing or controlling
-Accommodation or smoothing
Withdrawal or avoiding
A lose-lose strategy where both parties involved choose to avoid or postpone the conflict
Forcing or controlling
A win-lose situation where one party imposes or forces a preferred solution onto another. One party loses at the expense of the other.
This approach is about give and take. One party gives a little to get a little in return.
Accomodation or smoothing
In this situation one party concedes to the other to prevent further conflict and preserve the relationship.
This is a win-win outcome. Both parties work together to find a solution where they both get what they want.
Effective decision making can be done by
- Identifying the problem
- developing a solution
- Gathering info to look at pros and cons.
- select the best solution
- implement best solution
- evaluate how it went.
Is about showing admiration for someone, their knowledge, skills, abilities, qualities, and achievements
Is about being someone, whom others can count on, having integrity and intent to do the right thing by tohers.
Is important in group dynamics because all members need to feel safe mentally, physically and emotionally
Barriers to facilitation are…
Factors that can affect a groups’ ability to develop and perform.
Poorly defined roles & responsibilities
When group members are unsure of what their role is and what they are responsible for in the group. Defining these ensures accountability and success
Conflict of interest
a situation that involves a person or persons who have competing interests or loyalties which affect decisions being made within the group or team E.g a parent on the selection team of their child.
An individual goal is…
What the individual wants to get out of the experience e.g wants to kick 5 goals for the game
A group goal is…
What the whole team wants to get out of the experience e.g whole team wants to win the game
What causes Lack of group cohesion & commitment to group goals
group not getting along, lack of commitment, not agreeing on group goals and no accountability.
What Are Personality Clashes
Where 2 or more people within the group do not get along. Caused by a particular incident or issue or because those do not like or agree with each other. This can cause poor group dynamics and a lack of success within the group
Poor communication
Poor communication skills can relate to verbal, non-verbal and written forms of communication. It is important to be clear and consider what you are saying and how you are saying it
Poor communication skills can Lead the message in the group to be misunderstood Eg/allocating a task in 2 Fridays and not providing the date.
Performance plan
A plan serves as a guidebook that leads to the achievement of a group’s goals and activity outcomes. It should document the goal set and formally set out the steps required to achieve them
Facilitators can encourage active participation through…
Being organised
making it interesting
encouraging all members to participate
Facilitation techniques
- Energizers
- Ground Rules
Ice breakers are…
Are used to get people who often don’t know each other very well to interact early on in a group situation.
Energisers are..
Are a great way to lift the energy levels of a group and get ideas flowing. Activities should be fun and only last between 5 to 10 minutes.
Brainstorming is…
facilitation technique to get all group members engaged and working cohesively together
Ground rules are?
This is a great way to get a group of people to start talking and agree about how the group should function
Eg/ Only one person is to speak at once, All ideas are valid
Collaboration Definition
The action of working with others to produce something in a group situation
Listening skills=
Being an active and engaged listener is an integral part of collaboration. Members need to respect one another, listen to each others viewpoints and respond appropriately.
Defining roles and responsibilities=
This is where each team member clearly knows and understand their role and responsibility in the team
Group Management Skills
Group management skills include good communication skills, organisation, adaptability, fairness and the ability to delegate and task allocate effectively.
Group decision making skills
Effective groups establish trust, confidence and ownership through group decision making and problem solving.
Negotiation Techniques
Group members need to discuss situations, reach agreements and negotiate things like use of resources, finances, allocate tasks and timing of deadlines.
3 Decision making & problem-solving techniques
-The delphi method
-Dialectical inquiry or devil’s advocacy
-Multi voting
Is about communicating in a constructive way providing helpful information or advice relating to a person’s performance, aiming to help improve and further develop them.
Communication mediums
Face to face
Over the phone
Suggest three things that you should do when delivering constructive feedback?
-Give compliments and praise
-be direct
What are two advantages and disadvantages of group decision making?
Group decision making builds trust and confidence within the group however it can be time consuming and has the potential to cause conflict within the group if individuals do not agree with the outcome.
how ice breaker, energizer and brainstorm they benefit a group.
assisting them to be successful and obtain the best outcomes
Why is it important for a group to have active and engaged participants?
So the group is successful and effective. Engaged participants contribute to discussions, actively listen, share their ideas and are committed.
What template should be used to create a performance plan?
There is no specific format it is up to the business or organization on how they want to set it out.
List four ways that you could measure the performance of a group
The amount of money generated
Customer and client feedback
How many people attended or participated
Outline three elements that should be included as part of a performance plan?
What are they planning to do?
How do they plan on doing it?
The timeline?
Outline 3 ways you could prevent poor communication from becoming a barrier to facilitation.
Be clear when speaking.
Consider what you are saying and how you are saying it.
Note your body language.
is where a person favors relatives or friends. E.g/giving an unemployed cousin a job.
Is where someone acts in their own interest rather than that of the organization or group.
The delphi Metod
Group members share their ideas anonymously
Dialectical inquiry or Devils advocacy
all decisions are explored and the consequences of each are considered.
Multi voting
group members vote on the options availabe
When would lassiez-faire be most beneficial?
When the group is highly functional and skilled.
Group doesn’t require much guidance
Characteristics of lassiez-faire?
Gives group members freedom and allows them to feel trusted, respected, and valued.
The leader provides guidance and resources where required.
When would leadershipstyle participative (democratic) be benficial?
When a creative solution is needed
Where group members are highly skilled and willing to share their knowledge and skills with others.
Characteristics of participative (deocratic)
Members of the group are encouraged to participate in discussion and share their ideas.
When would leadership style authoritarian/dicipliniarian be beneficial?
When decisions need to be made quickly and effectively
When things need to be done a certain way.
Characteristics of Authoritaria/disciplinarian
They make all decisions with little to no input from others
All group members are controlled and directly supervised by the leader.
Teams in the forming stage are ussually?
Positive and polite
They may be anxious
Teams in the storming stage usually?
May have a few small issues
boundaries are established
Teams in the norming stage usually?
Begin to socialize with each other
Respect is developing amongst the group.
Teams in the performing stage usually
Activities proceed without any issue
support one another
Teams in the adjourning stage usually?
May exchange contact details to stay in touch
They say their goodbyes and may organise a catch up.
How mentoring benefots a CEO
Cost efective way of training new staff
Develops instructional skills
How to mentor staff?
Provide positive encouragement
Provide advice and act as a role model
Listen, support and respond to the needs of an individual
Why should a group develop a performance plan?
So the group’s goals and steps to achieve them are formally written down as well as the resources needed. I can be used to track the group’s process.
2 ice breaker activities
1 truth 2 lies
lining up in birthdate order
Ways to adapt communication style to better communicate with a team
Asking follow up questions
take the time when providing information
ensure there are no distractions
Negotiation is the process of 2 parties coming to an outcome after starting at a difference of
opinion. Compromise is a good way to approach negotiation.
How to overcome conflict of interest
When deciding as a group, ensure that all parties agree with the outcome and are comfortable with the decision. This will eliminate a conflict of intesest as the group will decide an out come not an individual.
How to eliminate lack of group cohesion and commitment to group goals.
Create team-building exercises so thy can become familiar with each other and build a relationship, and clearly display group goals to group members as a constant reminder.
Characteristics of an active listener
an individual who pays attention when they are listening to others, through eye contact and asking them open-ended questions to ensure they understand the content.
Goals should be clear
Find a way to quantify your goal so you can evaluate your goal toward it
Is the goal achievable in the set timeline
Ensure the goal can be achieved witin the required timeframe
Specific reasonable amount of time to reach the goal.
Collaborative approaches include
listening skills
defining roles and responsibilities
group decision making
negotiation techniques
Energiser activity
find your mate
What to consider when picking a conversation medium
the purpose of the communication
the audience
what contact details you have available
how urgent the communication is
Ground rules examples
Only one person to speak at once
All ideas are valid
Listen to others ideas and opinions