Facial Muscles Flashcards
Temporaparietalis. (Scalp)
Deep to temporalis
O- galea aponeurotica I- fascia superior to ear A- elevates the ear N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- occipital, posterior auricular, opthamalic arteries
Occipitalfrontalis. (Scalp)
Involved in facial expressions of shock, fright and recognition.
O- occipital & temporal bones
I- galea aponeurotica
A- draws scalp posteriorly, elevation of eyebrows.
N- facial nerve (CN7)
A- occipital, posterior auricular, ophthalmic
Frontalis O- galea aponeurotica I- fascia & skin of eyes & nose A- draws scalp anteriorly N- facial nerve (CN7) A- occipital, posterior auricular, ophthalmic
Anterior Auricular. (Scalp)
O- galea aponeurotica & anterior temporal bone
I- anterior to ear
A- draws ear anteriorly
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- superficial temporal & posterior auricular
Superior Auricular. (Scalp)
O- Galea aponeurotica & superior temporal bone.
I- superior to ear
A- draws ear superiorly
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- superficial temporal & posterior auricular arteries
Posterior Auricular. (Scalp)
O- posterior temporal bone I- posterior to ear A- draws ear posteriorly N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- superficial temporal & posterior auricular arteries
Orbicularis oculi. (Eye)
3 parts
O- frontal, maxilla & lacrimal bones
I- forms an oval sphincter encircling the eye
A- closes and squints the eye
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial & superficial temporal artery. Both are branches of the external carotid.
Corrugator supercilli. (Eye)
O- inferior frontal bone I- fascia of medial eyebrow A- draws the eye inferiorly and medially. (Squinting) N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- opthamalic artery
Levator palpebrae superioris. (Eye)
O- sphenoid (anterior surface of the lesser wing) I- tissue of upper eyelid. A- elevates upper eyelid N- CN 3 (iii) occulomotor A- opthamalic artery
Procerus. (Nose)
O- fascia & skin of nasal bones
I- fascia & ski of the medial eyebrow
A- draws medial eyebrow inferiorly, causes squinting, wrinkles the skin of the nose upward.
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Originates in 2 parts on the maxilla O- transverse: maxilla lateral to nose Alar: maxilla at nostrils I- transverse: opposite sides of nasalis of upper cartilage. Alar: alar cartilage of nose A- transverse: constricts the nostrils Alar: flares the nostrils N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Depressor septi nasi. (Nose)
O- maxilla, incisive fossa
I- cartilage of septum of nose
A- constricts nostrils by pulling septum down.
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Levator labii superioris aleque nasi (eye)
O- maxilla frontal process.
I- lateral part of upper lip, cartilage of nose
A- flares nostrils & elevates upper lip.
N- CN 7 (vii)
A- infra orbital artery (branch of maxillary)
Levator labii superioris. (Eye)
O- maxilla, inferior orbital margin I- lateral part of upper lip A- elevates upper lip N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of carotid artery)
Levator anguli oris
O- maxilla, canine fossa I- angle of the mouth, the modiolus A- elevates the angle of the mouth N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Zygomaticus minor
O- zygomatic bone, close to zygomaticomaxillary suture.
I- upper lip
A- elevates upper lip
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of external carotid)
Zygomaticus major. (Mouth)
O- Zygomatic bone, close to zygomaticotemporal suture
I- angle of the mouth, modiolus
A- elevates angle of the mouth
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Risorius. (Mouth)
O- fascia of the mandible, superior to the masseter.
I- angle of the mouth, modiolus
A- draws the mouth laterally
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Depressor anguli oris. (Mouth)
O- oblique line of the mandible I- angle of the mouth, modiolus A- depresses the angle of the mouth N- CN 7(vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Depressor labii inferioris. (Mouth)
O- medial of oblique line of he mandible I- midline of lower lip A- depresses lower lip N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of external carotid)
Mentalis (Mouth)
O- incisive fossa of the mandible
I- skin of the chin
A- elevates, everts & protracts lower lip, pouting
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Buccinator (Mouth)
O- mandible & maxilla I- lips & modiolus A- compresses the cheeks against teeth N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve A- facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
Orbicularis oris (Mouth)
O & I- circular (sphincter) muscle around the lips. (Fibers pull towards each modiolus as the muscle contracts)
A- closes mouth & protracts lips
N- CN 7 (vii) facial nerve
A- facial artery (branch of external carotid)
Temporalis (Mastication)
O- temporal fossa I- coronoid process & ramus of mandible A- elevates and retracts he jaw N- CN 5 (v) trigeminal nerve A- maxillary & superficial temporal artery
Masseter. (Mastication)
O- superficial layer: zygomatic bone & zygomatic arch
O- deep layer: inferior margin and deep surface of zygomatic arch
I- superficial layer: angle & 1/2 ramus of mandible
I- deep layer: coronoid process & 1/2 ramus of mandible
A- superficial layer: elevates & protracts the mandible @ TMJ
A- deep layer: elevates & retracts the mandible @TMJ
N- CN 5 (v) trigeminal nerve
A- maxillary artery (branch of external carotid)
Medial Pterygoid
O- sphenoid mostly, palatine & maxilla (2 heads- deep & superficial)
I- angle & inferior surface of mandible
A- elevation, protraction & contralateral deviation of the mandible @ TMJ
N- CN 5 (v) trigeminal nerve
A- maxillary artery (branch of external carotid)
Lateral Pterygoid
O- sphenoid (2 heads: superior & inferior)
I- capsule articular disc & neck of mandible
A- protraction & contralateral deviation of mandible @ TMJ
N- CN 5 (v) trigeminal nerve
A- maxillary artery (branch of external carotid)