Face, Scalp, Parotid Gland Flashcards
Layers of the scalp
S- skin
C- connective tissue (dense) - contains vessels and nerves
A- aponeurosis epicranius (galea aponeurotica)
L- loose CT - allows free movement of scalp; plane of cleavage for injury
P- pericranium (periostium)
Innervation to the scapl: Spinal nerves
a. Greater occipital n (C2 dorsal ramus)
b. C3 (dorsal ramus)
c. Lesser occipital n
d. Greater auricular n
Innervations to the scalp: Cranial Nerves
a. Auriculotemporal branch V3
b. Zygomaticotemporal branch of V2
c. Supraorbital branch of V1
d. Supratrochlear branch of V1
Arterial supply to the scalp: from External Carotid
a. Occipital a
b. Posterior auricular a
c. Superficial temporal a
Arterial supply to the scalp: from Internal Carotid
a. Supraorbital a
b. Supratrochlear a
Venous drainage of the scalp
- Vena comitantes of arteries
- Emissary veins - drain through bones of skull to dural venous sinuses
- Emissary veins are valveless and may spread infections from the scalp to the intracranial cavity
General features of muscles of facial expression
a. All are derived from pharyngeal arch 2
b. All are innervated by CN VII (SVE component)
c. All are superficial muscles which can move the skin and fascias of the face
Orbicularis oculi
a. Orbital part - surrounds orbit and forcefully closes eye
b. Palpebral portion - within eyelid; gently closes eye
c. Lacrimal portion - within medial corner of eye; assists with lacrimal fluid drainage
Currugator supercilli
draws eyebrows down and in (worried look)
a. Frontal and occipital bellies attached by epicranial aponeurosis
b. Frontal belly - elevates eyebrows; wrinkles forehead
c. Occipital belly - retracts scalp; assists frontal belly in “surprised” expression
Muscles associated with the mouth
a. Orbicularis oris - closes lips/mouth
b. Buccinator - keeps cheeks in contact with gums so food doesn’t accumulate in vestibule of the mouth.
c. Levator labii superioris - elevates upper lip
d. Levator anguli oris - elevates upper lip; widens mouth
e. Zygomaticus major - elevates upper lip; main smile muscle
f. Zygomaticus minor - elevates upper lip
g. Risorius - stretches lips laterally; wide smile
h. Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - elevates upper lip; flare nostrils
i. Depressor anguli oris - depresses lower lip; frown
j. Depressor labii inferioris - depresses lower lip; frown; pout
k. Mentalis - protrudes lower lip
Muscles associated with the nose
a. Procerus - wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose (dislike)
b. Nasalis - flares nostrils
Facial nerve: SVE to all mm of facial expression
- Exits the brainstem
- Enters internal acoustic meatus
- Courses laterally between cochlea and semicircular canals, after which it bends posteriorly and inferiorly to course along posterior wall of the middle ear
- Exits facial canal via stylomastoid foramen
Branches of the Facial nerve
- Post. auricular n - supplies belly of occupitofrontalis
- Digastric n
- Stylohyoid n
- Temporofacial trunk (temporal, zygomatic, buccal branches)
- Cervicofacial trunk (buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical branches)
Facial (Bell’s) Nerve Paralysis
- Causes - many are idiopathic; links to herpes virus, trauma or lesion anywhere along course of nerve, otitis media
- Paralysis of mm of facial expression
- Facial asymmetry and drooping
- Drooping of lower eyelid causes drainage of tears and ulceration of eye
- Paralysis of orbicularis oris causes dribbling of saliva
- Loss of buccinator leads to accumulation of food within vestibule
- Impaired speech