face/neck Flashcards
A herniation of cranial contents through a defect in the skull is called _______.
Premature closure of any or all six cranial structures is ________.
Premature closure of the metopic structure is _________.
The upper jaw, cheekbones and eye sockets have not grown as much as the rest of the face is called __________.
Midface/Maxillary Hypoplasia
Abnormal development of the head and face before birth is called _________.
Frontonasal Dysplasia
A type of germ cell tumor that may contain several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, and bone is called _______.
A rare form of congenital teratoma originating from the base of the skull, most commonly the hard palate, or the mandible is called _______.
Enlarged tongue
Congenital overgrowth of tissues
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
A lower jaw that is smaller than normal
A rare congenital birth defect characterized by an underdeveloped jaw, backward displacement of the tongue and upper airway obstruction.
Pierre Robin Syndrome
A rare, genetic condition affecting the way the face develops — especially the cheekbones, jaws, ears and eyelids
Treacher Collins Syndrome
Abnormal smallness of one side of the face
Hemifacial Microsomia
Absence of mandible causing ears to be too close together
A rare congenital condition characterized by abnormal development of the eye, ear and spine
Goldenhar’s Syndrome
Absent eye
Small ears
Roberts Syndrome
Small eyes
formed when a distal blockage (usually membranous) of the lacrimal sac causes distention of the sac, which also kinks and closes off the entrance to the common canaliculus.
misalignment of the eyes, causing one eye to deviate inward (esotropia) toward the nose, or outward (exotropia), while the other eye remains focused.
Bulging eyes
large distance between the eyes
baby’s head is much smaller than expected
the failure of the prosencephalon (the embryonic forebrain) to sufficiently divide into double lobes of the cerebral hemispheres.
Absence of nose
an anterior appendage-like structure is seen projecting from the midline fetal face/forehead
a lump that develops in the neck or just below the collarbone
Branchial cleft cysts
a birth defect that appears as a sac-like structure with a thin wall that most commonly occurs in the head and neck area of an infant.
Cystic Hygroma
Enlarged thyroid glands
Fetal Goiter
a disorder in which the thyroid gland — the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck — becomes abnormally enlarged.
A type of germ cell tumor that may contain several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, and bone.