FA; Lec 1 & 2; Lab 1 & 2 Flashcards
What is a very widely used form of data reduction?
Factor analysis
Questions addressing similar issues are thought to address the same [X]?
Underlying construct
Items/variables consistently responded to in similar manner by different respondents supposedly address the same [X]?
Underlying construct/Latent variable/Common factor (or just plain ‘factor’)
What is a latent variable/underlying construct?
A hidden variable. For example, ‘health’ - there isn’t a single measurement of ‘health’ - it is an abstract concept. Instead we measure physical properties from our boy e.g. blood pressure, weight etc. These separate measurements can then be used by a trained person to judge your health. If we had a sensor for health we could measure and use that variable, but since we don’t we use other measurements which all contribute in some way to assessing health.
When do you need FA?
- To understand the structure of a set of variables (e.g. ‘intelligence’)
- To formulate a questionnaire to measure a latent variable
- To reduce a data set to a more manageable size while retaining as much of the original information as possible
What is a common criticism of FA?
That it produces facile results. This is because it can always be used, resulting in erroneous application.
What is a correlation matrix?
A grid organised such that the value of any cell represents the correlation between the variable assigned to the row and the variable assigned to the column, It is usual that the order of variables in the rows is the same as the columns so that the diagonal values of this grid represent the correlation of a given variable with itself.. This means that the diagonal values are all 1.
What does a correlation matrix tell you?
It gives you a complete view of the bi-variate correlations that exist in whatever dataset you’re looking at.
What is the symbol for Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient?
What does Pearson’s correlation give an indication of?
It gives an indication of the extent to which a criterion variable (Y) varies in conjunction with the predictor variable (X)
What is the 1. the verbal, and 2. the mathematical formula for Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient?
- r= covariability of X and Y/Variability of X and Y separately
- r= Sxy/√Sx².Sy²
If you are eyeballing a correlation matrix how high must the correlation be to considered a correlation?
If you are asked to complete the cosine values for an anti-clockwise degree value, how do you work that out?
360-anticlockwise degree
e.g. 360-70=290
If an item were at an angle of 360degrees to F1, what would be the correlation between the two of them?
Perfectly positive
If an item were at an angle of 180degrees to F1, what would be the correlation between the two of them?
Perfectly negative