F9 - State and Local Government: Part 1 Flashcards
Fund Financial Statements are presented why?
To report additional and detailed information about the primary government
Governmental Funds Include? and use what kind of accounting?
- General Fund (general gov’t activities)
- Permanent Fund (trust fund, principal can’t be used but earnings can for public purpose)
- Capital Projects Fund (construction)
- Special Revenue Funds (money received for special program)
- Debt Service (pay off LT debt)
- Current Financial Resources and modified accrual accounting.
- Expenditures (not expenses)
- No depreciation expense
Proprietary (business) Funds Include? and use what kind of accounting?
- Internal Service (central store)
- Enterprise (utilities)
- Accrual accounting and Economic Resource Focus
Fiduciary Funds Include? and use what kind of accounting?
- Agency (gov’t is acting as agent)
- Trust (investment pools)
- Private-Purpose (only benefit certain group)
- Pension (employee benefit)
- Accrual accounting, Economic Resource Focus
When does gov’t fund recognize revenue?
When it becomes available and measurable
How are Government-Wide Financial Statements presented?
- Accrual Basis.
- Deferred inflow/outflows are cancelled out
- Transfers are cancelled out
What is derived (non-exchange) tax revenue?
Taxes imposed on or derived from exchange transactions (sales tax)
Estimated Revenues and Appropriations:
dr Estimated Revenues
cr Appropriations
cr Budget Control
Imposed Non-Exchange Revenues Include?
Property Taxes and Fines
Object Classifications are what?
Most specific classification and represents the chart of accounts title.
OFS: Other Financing Sources Include?
Transfers, Proceeds from Debt
Purchase vs Consumption Method: Inventory
Purchase records inventory first as expenditures
Net Property Tax Revenue Includes:
Collections during the current year and collections expected during the first 60 days of the next year.
DR Balance in Appropriations account means what?
Appropriations for the year exceed estimated revenues
Expenditures: Gov’t Funds
Recognize any outflow of resources as expenditures (even payment of principal on LT debt)
Unassigned Fund Balance is increased at YE by what?
Appropriations exceed actual expenditures
Inventories are classified as what kind of resources?
Expenditures exceed funds assigned/restricted/commited for use (special revenue fund) deficit is looked as what?
Negative Fund Balance (un-assigned)
Restricted Fund Balances represent what?
Resources that have been restricted by external sources like: creditors, debt covenants, laws etc.
What is the JE for a purchase order in gov’t funds?
dr Encumbrances
cr Budgetary Control
Appropriations Left Over: Calculation
- Expenditures (includes payable amounts)
- Encumbrances
= Appropriations left over
YE Encumbrances in General Fund are represented how?
As “fund balance commitments”
Funds that are received before they can be used are classified as what?
Deferred Inflows (appear under liabilities)
Imposed Non-Exchange Transactions recorded as a receivable before the period the services/items would be needed/used (licenses/property taxes) are recorded as what?
Deferred Inflows (even if the money had been collected at year end)