F9 Governmental Accounting: Part 2 Flashcards
What is the only GRaSPP that can have a POSITIVE unassigned balance?
General Fund.
What are the categories of Fund Balance?
- N = Nonspendable = G,S
- U = Unassigned = G (+), Others (-)
- C = Committed = All but P.
- A = Assigned = G,D,C
- R = Restricted = All.
What GRaSPP fall into Nonspendable Fund Balance?
- General Fund
- Special Revenue Fund
What GRaSPP fall into Unassigned Fund Balance?
G (+), Others (-)
What GRaSPP fall into Commited Fund Balance?
ALL but Permanent!
What GRaSPP fall into Assigned Fund Balance?
- General Fund
- Debt Service Fund
- Capital Projects Fund
What GRaSPP fall into Restricted Fund Balance?
What are nonspendable fund balances?
Current assets that you can’t spend.
Ex: Inventories, PP Expenditures, etc.
What are assigned fund balances?
Funds associated with funds that the government has designated, but not formally committed.
What are restricted fund balances?
Funds Restricted by external authorities (legislations, grantors, creditors).
What are commited fund balances?
Funds associated with assets committed to a formal action of the government’s highest decision-making authority.
What are unassigned fund balances?
Whatever is left and that has not been classified as the other fund balances.
What is the JE for an encumbrance?
When PO is issued:
Budgetary Control
When Invoice is received, reverse Encumbrance
Budgetary Control
Then, record the expense
Vouchers Payable/Cash
What is the JE for an outstanding encumbrance?
Reverse Encumbrance
Budgetary Control
Then, record to Unassigned funds Balance
Unassigned fund balance (surplus)
Fund Balance, Committed
What are the components of reciprocal interfund activity?
Loans and Services Provided and Used
- Interfund Loans = Loans, but if I can’t get them back, they’re reclassed as transfers. Shown as Due To/Due From, and reported as assets & liabilities.
- Interfund Services Provided and Used = Sales and Purchases between funds at market prices. Ex. Water & Sewer.
What are the components of NONreciprocal interfund activity?
Transfers and Reimbursements
- Interfund Transfers = Displayed as Other Financing Sources. Ex. Payment in lieu of taxes.
- Interfund Reimbursements = Payments of one fund on behalf of the other.
What funds report Net Position?
Net Position = Equity for IRS-E Funds.
Also, government wide FS
How do you call the equity section for Government funds?
Fund Balance (NUCAR)
What are deferred inflows and deferred outflow of resources?
When things are recorded before they are measurable and available.
What happens when I have a receivable that is unavailable?
I have to record a deferred inflow of resources.
What is the BASE for BAE?
Budget Appropriation = Beg Appropriations
(-) Activity = Expenditures
(-) Encumbrances
(=) Available Appropriations = End Appropriations
What are the three categories in which Net Position (equity) must be reported?
- Net investment in Capital Assets.
- Restricted Assets.
- Unestricted Assets.
What is the formula for Net Investment in Capital Assets?
(+) NBV of Intangibles
(-) Related Debt
(=) Net Investment in Cap Assets
What is the formula for Total Restricted Net Position?
Restricted Assets (+) Deferred outflows (-) Deferred inflows (-) Related Liabilities (=) Total Restricted Net Position; always positve! if negative, it reduces Unrestricted Net Position.