F8/M6 NFP Transfers of Assets Flashcards
Not financially interrelated without variance power (NFP acts as agent)
Dr: Assets (FV)
Cr: Refundable Advance Liability
Not Financially Interrelated with variance power
- Expensed when distributed
Dr: Assets (FV)
Cr: Contributions
Financially interrelated
Dr: Assets (FV)
Cr: Contributions
Beneficiary accounting; Beneficiaries recognize right to asset unless recipient has variance power
If the Recipient has variance power, there is no JE for the Beneficiary
JE for Beneficiary (Recipient no Variance power)
Dr: Receivable
Cr: Contribution revenue
Beneficiary (Financially interrelated Recipient)
Dr: Interest in recipient net assets
Cr: Change in Interest in recipient net
Losses on permanently restricted NA first reduce Temporarily Restricted NA, then Unrestricted NA
In order to be considered financially interrelated,
One is able to influence the operating and financial decisions of the other and has an ongoing economic interest in the other