F6/M2 Capital Leases Flashcards
GAAP -> Capital Lease
IFRS -> Finance Lease
same shit
Lessee, no rent expense
Record asset, liability, depreciation, and interest expense
(LESSEE) 4 Criteria for Capital Lease
Meet just 1 of OWNS) (GAAP
- Ownership transfers at end of lease
- Written option for bargain purchase
- Ninety % rule: PV of rent payments > 90%
of FV of leased property - Seventy-five % rule: Lease term > 75% of
economic life
IFRS Capital Lease Criteria
Substantially all the risks and rewards inherent in ownership are transferred to the lessee
(GAAP) Sales-type / Direct-financing lease
Sales-type: Include profit or loss to lessor
- FV > CV
- Record Profit/ Loss and Interest Income on
Direct: No profit/loss
- FV = CV
- Just record Interest Income
(LESSOR) Criteria for Capital lease (LUC)
- Lessee “OWNS” property
- Uncertainties don’t exist about costs
- Collectibility is reasonably predictable
Under GAAP, it is possible that a Lessee records a lease as a Capital Lease and the Lessor records it as an Operating Lease
IFRS: Lessee copies the Lessor
Lessee Capital Lease Accounting
Each payment is allocated to interest expense and a reduction of principal
JE Lessee Capital lease at inception
Dr: Fixed Asset
Cr: Liability - Obligation under Capital
*** Lessee Capitalizes the asset and liability at the LESSER of:
PV of min lease payments 1. PV of Lease Payments 2. PV of Residual 3. PV Bargain purchase option - or- FV at acquisition date
*** Items to exclude from Capitalization of PV of minimum lease payments
Executory Costs
– Insurance
– Maintenance
Executory costs are a period expense
Optional Buyout
When calculating the PV of minimum lease payments, use the LESSER of:
Implicit rate
Incremental borrowing rate
*** Depreciable Life
Lessee keeps asset (O or W)
- Asset Life
Lessee gives asset back (N or S)
- Term of the lease
Meet “O” -or- “W”
- Asset Life
Meet “N” -or- “S”
- Lease Life
*** Recording the Gross Investment for a Lessor under a Sales-type Capital Lease
Gross investment = Lease pmt’s (+)
Ungauranteed residual
Net Investment = Gross Investment (x) PV
Gross Investment (-) Net Investment =
Unearned Interest Revenue
- Contra asset, as interest is earned, contra
asset is reduced
Have to record COGS under Sales-type lease
COGS = Cost of Asset (-) PV of non-
guaranteed residual value
Sales revenue under Sales-type lease =
PV of minimum lease payments
- PV of lease payments
- PV of guaranteed residual
- PV of BPO
Direct Financing lease
Don’t record COGS or Sales Revenue