F. Salvation Accomplished (WCF 10-13; WLC 57-60, 67-68, 70-71, 74-75, 77-78; WSC 29-36) Flashcards
What is the ordo salutis? Support your answer from Scripture.
The logical order of salvation (Rom 8)
WCF 3:6 As God hath appointed the elect unto glory, so hath He, by the eternal and most free purpose of His will, foreordained all the means thereunto.(1) Wherefore, they who are elected being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Christ;(2) are effectually called unto faith in Christ by His Spirit working in due season; are justified, adopted, sanctified,(3) and kept by His power, through faith, unto salvation.(4) Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, and saved, but the elect only.(5)
In the Reformed camp, the ordo salutis is 1) election, 2) predestination, 3) gospel call 4) inward call 5) regeneration, 6) conversion (faith & repentance), 7) justification,
8) sanctification, and 9) glorification. (Rom 8:29-30)
In the Arminian camp, the ordo salutis is 1) outward call 2) faith/election,
3) repentance, 4) regeneration, 5) justification, 6) perseverance, 7) glorification.
Explain the ordo salutis
- Election - God’s choice before time (Eph 1)
- Predestination - Destining for Salvation (Rom 8)
- Gospel Call - The call of the gospel to sinful man through the word of God (Romans 10 - how will they hear without preaching?)
- Inward Call - the Spirit speaking life to our hearts as we hear the outward call (2 Cor. 1 - Spirit sealed us, Rom 8)
- Regeneration - New birth (John 3)
- Conversion - Faith and Repentance (John 1, Acts 2)
- Justification - We are declared righteous (Rom 5)
- Sanctification - Made holy, like Christ (2 Cor 7 - Holiness to completion, Phil 1 - He who began …)
- Glorification - We will be glorified with Christ (1 Cor 15)
How would you explain the plan of salvation to an unbeliever?
- God (holy - Matthew 5 - be perfect as God is perfect)
- man (sinner - Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23)
- Jesus (mediator - Romans 5:8, John 3:16)
- two ways to live
- 321
Define and defend (including Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “effectual calling”—What is effectual calling? (Q31)
The Spirit convicts us of sin, renews our minds, and enables us to embrace Christ (Acts 26 - to open their eyes so that they might turn from darkness to light, Ezek 36 - a new heart and a new spirit)
Effectual calling is the work of God’s Spirit (2 Timothy 1:9), whereby, convincing us of our sin and misery (Acts 2:37), enlightening our minds in the knowledge of Christ (Acts 26:18), and renewing our minds in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing our wills (Ezekiel 36:26), He doth persuade and enable us to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered in the gospel (John 6:44)
On what is God’s decision to call a certain person based?
God’s grace (Eph 2 - dead in sin, Titus 3 - he saved us not because of what he had done but because of his mercy)
This effectual call is of God’s free and special grace alone, not from anything at all foreseen in man, who is altogether passive therein… (WCF X:2)
How can infants be ‘called’?
By Christ’s grace (Luke 18 - let the children come to me, Romans 9 - election before birth)
Elect infants, dying in infancy, are regenerated, and saved by Christ, through the Spirit, who worketh when, and where, and how He pleaseth…. (WCF X:3)
Can anyone not called by the Spirit be saved? Explain and defend (including Scripture proofs
No (Acts 13 - those who were appointed believed, Eph 2 - dead in sin)
WCF 10:4 Others not elected, although they may be called by the ministry of the Word,(1) and may have some common operations of the Spirit,(2) yet they never truly come unto Christ, and therefore cannot be saved:(3) much less can men, not professing the Christian religion be saved in any other way whatsoever, be they never so diligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature, and the laws of that religion they do profess;(4) and, to assert and maintain that they may, is very pernicious, and to be detested.(5) (Rom 8:9, John 6:44)
Is Jesus really the only way of salvation? Explain and defend (including Scripture proofs).
- Yes
- Men, not professing the Christian religion, cannot be saved (WCF X:4)
- John 14:6; Acts 4:12
What about those who never had the chance to hear about Jesus? Will they be saved?
- All are sinners, thus all deserve God’s justice (Romans 1 - They were shown enough to know better)
- It is by God’s grace and mercy that some hear and believe (Rom 3:23)
What about the sincere Buddhist (or Muslim or Unitarian)? Will they be saved?
• One cannot be saved save through Christ, no matter how diligent one might be to frame one’s life according to the light of nature, and the laws of one’s religion (Rom 3:23, John 14:6)
Define and defend (include Scripture proofs) the doctrine of “justification”—What is justification (Q33)?
Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein 1) He pardons all our sins, and 2) accepts us as righteous in His sight , 3) only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone (Gal 2 - justification by faith, Rom 5 - all of it)
What is the basis of justification?
Christ’s righteousness: (2 Cor 5:21 - He made him who knew no sin …) God imputing the obedience and satisfaction of Christ unto them, and they receiving and resting on Him and His righteousness, by faith (which is a gift of God)- (WCF XI:1)
• Faith is the “instrument of justification” (WCF XI:2)(Gal 2)
Explain this statement: “Faith alone saves, but saving faith is never alone.”
• Faith is “not alone in the person justified, but is every accompanied with all other saving graces, and is not dead faith, but worketh by love” (WCF XI:2)(Eph 2, James 2 - faith does good works)
When is a Christian justified?
Not until the Holy Spirit actually applies Christ unto them (Acts 2)
What happens when a Christian sins after being justified?
They are forgiven as they continue to repent (1 John 1:9, Heb 12 - repent and endure, 2 Cor 5:21 - Christ is our righteousness)
God doth continue to forgive the sins of those that are justified;(1) and, although they can never fall from the state of justification,(2) yet they may, by their sins, fall under God’s fatherly displeasure, and not have the light of His countenance restored unto them, until they humble themselves, confess their sins, beg pardon, and renew their faith and repentance (WCF 11:5)