D. Humankind (WCF 4,6,9; WLC 14-17, 21-29; WSC 8-10, 13-19) Flashcards
What is the chief end of man (Q1)?
• Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (1 Cor 10 - do all to the glory of God)
What is the supreme activity of man, or “What does God require of man? (Q39)”
• The duty which God requires of man is obedience to His revealed will
What does the Bible teach about the creation of human beings?
• God created man male and female after God’s His image, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, with dominion over the creature (A10)
In what way is man created in the image of God?
- (Structural) Originally in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness
- (Functional) With dominion over the creatures
Are all men in the image of God? If so, to what extent?
- Yes (Gen 9:6 - the penalty for murder)
- The image is distorted by the fall (mental, moral, physical aspects)(Gen 3-4)
- Recovered progressively in Christ (Romans 8 - conformed to the image of the Son)
- Restored completely in the future
How does the doctrine of the image of God influence debates about gender roles?
• Male and female are equal in regards to image, both exemplifying the image of God
- 1 Tim 2 “man was created first”
Where did man’s soul come from? When?
- Where? From God- He created us “with reasonable and immortal souls” (WCF 4:2)
- Creationism: God creates a new soul for each person and sends it to that person’s body sometime between conception and birth (Psalm 139:13- knitted together in my mothers womb; Zech 12:1 - God formed the spirit of man in him)
What is sin? (See WSC 14). Include Scripture proofs.
• Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God (1 John 3:4 - everyone who sins breaks the law)
Discuss the guilt of sin and the corruption of sin.
- Inherited Guilt: We are counted guilty because of Adam’s sin (Romans 5 - through the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners)
- Inherited Corruption: We have a sinful, fallen nature because of Adam’s sin (Romans 3 - we have all fallen short)
Define and discuss original sin- Q18 (include Scripture proofs).
- The guilt of Adam’s first sin (Romans 5:19 - through one man the many made sinners)
- The want of original righteousness (Romans 3:10 - no one is righteous)
- The corruption of our whole nature (Ephesians 2:1 - dead in sin)
How can original sin be reconciled to the canons of justice, either human or divine?
- God did not force us to sin, we are sin because of Adam, not God
- We all commit “actual transgressions”
- Adam was our representative: He represents what we all would have done
- There was a plan of redemption in it- God purposed it “to his own Glory” (WCF VI:1)
Is there any good remaining in fallen, sinful man? Explain.
We are still in God’s image (James 3 - made in the likeness of God), but we are totally depraved
In what ways does man sin?
- Original and actual
* Omission and commission
What are some of the consequences of sin?
WSC 19: “All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell for ever.” (Gen 3)
Is the will of man free? Explain (include Scripture proofs).
Yes, in the sense that we can do what we desire (James 1 - God does not tempt us, Deut 30 - a choice is given)
WCF 9:1 God hath endued the will of man with that natural liberty, that it is neither forced, nor by any absolute necessity of nature determined, to good or evil.