F 6/2 Flashcards
Where do horseshoe kidneys get “caught?”
How does AR PCKD present?
Infants w worsening RF and HTN
Newborns may present w Potter sequence
Assoc w cong hep fibrosis (leads to portal HTN) and hepatic cysts
How does AD PCKD present?
Young adults w HTN (inc renin), hematuria and worsening RF
What is the gene in AD PCKD?
What are non-renal associations w AD PCKD?
Berry aneurysm (COD), hepatic cysts, MV prolapse
What is medullary cystic kidney disease and how is it inherited?
Cysts in medullary CD
Parenchymal fibrosis - shrunken kidneys, RF
How is azotemia defined?
Inc BUN, Inc Cr
What causes prerenal azotemia
Dec BF to kidneys
Dec GFR, azotemia, oliguria
What is the BUN:Cr in pre-renal azotemia?
> 15
Reabs of fluid and BUN - tubular function intact
What causes postrenal azotemia?
Downstream obstruction of UT
Dec GFR, azotemia, oliguria
What is the BUN:Cr in longstanding postrenal azotemia?
Tubular damage
What is the most common cause of acture renal failure?
Which areas of the nephron are particularly susceptible to ischemia?
Medullary segment of TAL
What area of the nephron is particularly susceptible to toxins?
What are the lab findings in ATN?
Oliguria w brown granular casts
Inc BUN, Inc Cr
HK (dec renal exc)
Met acidosis (inc anion gap)
What is acute interstitial nephritis?
Drug-induced hypersensitivity involving interstitiom and tubules?
What are causes of AIN?
NSAIDs, penicillin, diuretics
How does AIN present?
Oliguria, fever, rash - days to wks after starting drug
Eosinophils in urine
What is renal papillary necrosis and how does it present?
Necrosis of renal papillae
Gross hematuria, flank pain
What are some causes of RPN?
Chronic analgesic use (phenacetin, aspiriin)
severe acute pyelonephritis
What are the features of nephrotic syndrome?
Proteinuria > 3.5 g/d hypoalbuminemia - pitting edema hypogammaglobulinemia - risk inf hypercoaguable state - loss of AT III HL, Hchol - fatty casts in urine
What is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children? What is its cause?
Usually idiopathic
may be associated w HL
How does MCD appear on HE, EM, IF?
HE - N
EM - effacement of foot processes
IF - N
How does MCD respond to steroids?
damage is mediated by cytokines from T cells
Is there inc risk of inf in MCD?
No - selective proteinuria
loss of albumin but not Ig
What is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in Hispanics and AAs?
What causes FSGS?
Usually idiopathic
may be assoc w HIV, heroin use, SCD
What are the findings in FSGS on HE, EM, IF?
HE - focal and segmental sclerosis
EM - effacement of foot processes
IF - N
How does FSGS respond to steroids?
Not well; progresses to CRF
What is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in caucasian adults?
Membranous nephropathy
What causes MN?
Usually idiopathic
assoc w HBV, HCV, solid tumors, SLE, drugs (NSAID, penicillamine)
HE - thick GBM
IF - granular (IC depo)
EM - subepithelial deposits w spike and dome appearance
How does MPGN look on HE and IF?
HE - Thick GBM w tram-track appearance
IF - granular (IC depo)
Where are the IC deposits located in Type I and II MPGN?
Type I - subendothelial
Assoc w HBV, HCV
Type II = dense deposit disease - intramembranous
assoc w C3 nephritic factor
What is C3 nephritic factor?
AutoAb that stabilizes C3 convertase, leading to overactivation of complement, inflammation, and low levels of circulation C3
What happens to the kidney in DM?
NEG of vasc BM leads to hyaline arteriolosclerosis
What is more affects in DM - aff or eff arteriole?
Leads to high GFP
Hyperfiltration injury leads to microalbuminuria
What is the first indication of kidney damage in DM?