Eyes Flashcards
Thin, transparent mucous membrane
Protects the eye from foreign bodies and becoming dry
Palpebral conjunctiva
lines the eyelids
Bulbar conjunctiva
Bulbar conjunctiva
Palpebral Fissure
Space between the upper and lower eye lids
Lacrimal apparatus
Produces tears that moisten the eye
Extraocular muscles
Four rectus muscles/two oblique muscles
Outer part-Outer fibrous layer of posterior eye
Supports internal eye structures
Transparent, avascular layer of the anterior eye
Permits light transmission into eye
Vascular layer of posterior eye
Nourishes retina
Ciliary Body
Anterior extension of choroid
Produces aqueous humor
Held in place by ligaments from ciliary body
Changes in lens thickness allow images from varied distances to be focused on the retina
Composed of smooth muscle - pigmented
Relaxes and contracts to control amount of light entering through pupil
Opening in center of iris
Dilates and constricts
Reacts to light and closeness of objects
Vitreouis Humor
Clear, gelatinous material
Helps maintain shape of eyeball
Anterior Chamber
Space anterior to iris
Contains aqueous humor
Posterior Chamber
Space immediately posterior to the iris
Contains vitreous humor
Innermost layer of eye
Extension of the optic nerve
Transforms light impulses into electrical impulses that are sent to the cerebral cortex
Optic disc
Round or oval area on nasal side of retina
Where nerve fibers form optic nerve
Physiological cup
central area of optic disc
Dark area on temporal area of retina
Contains a high concentration of cones
Fovea Centralis
point of greatest acuity. Center of macula
Receptors for color vision, reading ability, fine discrimination
Receptors for dark and light discrimination, peripheral vision
Located on retina in areas other than macula
Middle aged- Age-related far-farsightedness. Lens loses its ability to change shape
Corrected with bifocal lenses
Middle aged- Degeneration of the retina
Can result from diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis
Older adult- Clouding of the lens
Prevents light rays from entering `the eye
Older adult- Increased pressure in the eye due to accumulation of aqueous humor
Can damage the optic nerve
Macular Degeneration
Older adult- Non-painful degeneration of the cells in the macula
Destroys sharp, central vision
Older adult- Eyelid turns inward
Eyelashes rub on eye surface
Older adult- Eyelid turns outward
Conjunctiva is exposed
Common Chief Complaints
Changes in visual acuity Pain Drainage Itching Dryness
Eyes provide info on…
Nutrition Endocrine function Cardiovascular function Gastrointestinal function Neurological function
Right Eye
Left eye
Both eyes
Test for Distance vision
Snellen chart. Tests CN II (optic)
Snellen Chart
Each eye tested separately from 20 ft. No glasses
Normal Findings: 20/20, Abnormal findings: myopia
Example: 20/50= the patient reads at 20 feet what a person with 20/20 vision can read at 70 feet
Test for Near Vison
Rosenbaum Card
Tests CN II (optic)
Rosenbaum Card
Reading should be possible with card/material held
at 14 inches.
Rosenbaum Card Findings
Normal: Patient can read vision card 14 inches from face
Abnormal: Presbyopia, Hyperopia
Normal Eye
Lights focus on retina
Farsightedness (Hyperopia)
Light rays focus behind/past retina
Nearsightedness (Myopia)
Light rays focus in front of the retina
Color Vision
Color vision defect is red/green, blue/yellow, or complete (see only shades of gray)
Confrontation Technique Test For…
Tests for peripheral vision. Each eye tested individually
Confrontation Technique Angles
Peripheral vision= 90 degrees temporal, 70 degrees inferior, 60 degrees nasal, 50 degrees superior
Confrontation Technique Findings
Normal findings: Able to see in all visual fields, full peripheral vision
Abnormal findings: Hemianopsia,Circumferential blindness, Unilateral blindness
Size, extension, and hair texture
Orbital area
Edema, puffiness, sagging tissue below orbit
Note color, symmetry, position, movement, lesions
Eyelid Abnormal Findings
Fasciculations(Twitch) and tremors Lid margins not at limbus Asymmetry of palpebral fissures Inability to close completely/open widely Flakiness at lid margins, redness, swelling Ptosis (lazy eye) Exophthalmos Entropion/ Ectropion
Abnormal Eyelid Lesions/Infalmmation
Hordeolum (stye)
Chalzion (Cyst on eye lid)
Blepharitis (inflammation of eyelid)
Xanthelasma (yellow spot of fat under skin)
Lacrimal apparatus inspection
Inspect lacrimal gland area for redness, swelling
Abnormal Lacrimal apparatus
Palpate lacrimal sac
Press finger near inner canthus, Note any discharge from puncta
Normal findings: No discharge from puncta
Tests CN III, CN IV, CN VI (oculomotor,trochlear, abducens)Corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test)
Corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test), Cover/Uncover Test, Cardinal fields of gaze, and Convergence Test
Corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test)
Tests extraocular muscle balance
Patient to look straight ahead, shine light on to cornea from distance of 12-15 inches
Should reflect symmetrically from each cornea
Corneal light reflex Abnormal Findings
Strabismus (cross eyed)
Esotropia (turned inward)
Exotropia (turned outward)
Cover/Uncover Test
Tests extraocular muscle balance
Patient looks straight, focus on distant object.Cover one eye, observe for movement in uncovered eye. Remove occluder and observe for movement in covered eye.
Repeat on opposite eye
Cover/Uncover Test Findings
Normal Findings: no movement of either eye
Abnormal Findings: Phoria (misalignment), Esophoria (inward drift), Exophoria (outward drift)
Cardinal fields of gaze
Have patient follow a finger/object with the eyes no movement of head
Observe as patient moves eyes in the six fields of gaze
Six Fields of Gaze
Left lateral, left lateral inferior, right lateral inferior, right lateral, right lateral superior, left lateral superior
Cardinal Fields of Gaze Observations
Observe for nystagmus in the lateral positions
Note lid lag
Note exposure of sclera above iris
Convergence Test
Move finger/object in toward nose at midline
Eyes should converge smoothly, symmetrically
Cardinal fields of gaze Findings
Abnormal findings: Asymmetrical eye movement, Inability to move eyes in a given direction, Persistent nystagmus
Normal: Eyes should move smoothly, symmetrically
Inspect Conjunctiva
Inspect lower portion by pulling down lower lid
Normal findings of Conjunctiva
Bulbar conjunctiva: transparent, small blood vessels; no swelling, exudates, or foreign bodies
Palpebral conjunctiva: pink and moist; no swelling, lesions, exudates, or foreign bodies
Conjuncativa Abnormal Findings
Exudates, discharge
Inspect Sclera
color, exudate, and lesions
Sclera findings
Normal findings: White, without exudate, lesions, or foreign bodies
Abnormal findings: Discoloration, yellow (jaundice) or blue (osteogenesis imperfecta)
Inspect Cornea
shine light anteriorly and laterally across cornea
Observe for contour, clarity, lesions, scarring
Cornea Normal Findings
Surface is moist and shiny
No discharge, cloudiness, opacity, or irregularities
Cornea Abnormal Findings
Ulceration, Arcus senilis (abnormal if in young person), Laceration, Scar, Cloudy (may indicate glaucoma)
Inspect Iris
for color, shape, vascularity
Iris Normal Findings
Round, Evenly colored, Without vascularity
Iris Abnormal Findings
Pigmented area, Absent wedge of iris (keyhole)
Inspect Pupil
size, shape, and direct light reflex: Move light from side to front of eye= Observe pupillary reaction, size and speed of response
Repeat in other eye
Test for consensual light reflex
Shine light in front of one eye
Observe the opposite pupil for constriction
Repeat in other eye
Accommodation Test
Instruct patient to look at a distant object for 30 seconds, Instruct patient to look at your finger/penlight held 4-5 inches in front of patient. Note reaction and size of pupils
Pupil should constrict and converge to focus on an object at close range
Normal Pupil Findings
Round, Equal diameter (measure), Constrict briskly
Abnormal Pupil findings
Pupils uneven (anisocoria may be normal) Do not respond to light and accommodationIrregular shape Abnormal size (Miotic 2mm dilated/ Mydriatic 6mm dilated)
Inspect Lens
Abnormal findings: Opacity of lens (may indicate cataract)
Red Reflex
scope light reflecting off the retina
Optic Disc Inspection
Toward nasal side of retina
Color, size, shape, margins
Physiologic Cup Inspection
Yellow area at center of optic disc 1/3 the size of the disc
Color, size
Retina Inspection
Color, Lesions, Hemorrhages
smaller than veins with light reflex
Size, color, crossings
Size, color, crossings
Macula Inspection
Temporal side, color/shape
Confrontation Test Process
Process: Stand 2-3 feet in front of patient, cover one eye and look straight ahead, move object/finger into each visual field, Patient identifies when the object can be seen
inflammation of lacrimal gland
obstruction of lacrimal duct