Eye Functions Flashcards
the protective portion and an attachment point for muscles
bend light rays that enter the eye
choroids(arteries and veins)
nourish the eye
gives eye color
ciliary body of pupil
focus the lens
retina(rods and cones)
sends signals to optic nerve
optic disc
exit to the optic nerve
optic nerve
sensory visual information
fovea centralis
region of only cones providing visual sharpness
changes shape to allow focusing of light on retina
anterior segment
transmit light, support and maintain intraocular pressure
posterior segment
transmit light, support and maintain intraocular pressure
lacrimal gland
produce secretions to clean eye
lateral rectus
turn eye laterally
medial rectus
turn eye medially
superior rectus
turn eye superiorly
inferior rectus
turn eye inferiorly
inferior oblique
turn eye inferiorly and laterally
superior oblique
turn eye superiorly and laterally