Eye / Ear Identification Flashcards
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
What is the orange arrow pointing at?
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
Blue arrows = sclera
Orange arrow = cornea
Yellow arrows = corneosclera junction
What organ is this?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Red arrow = sclera
Blue arrow = cornea
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = sclera
Blue arrow = Corneosclera junction
Yellow arrow = cornea
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
What is the red double arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Blue = Pectinate ligament
Yellow = Cornea
Red = Limbus
Green = Sclera
Black = Ciliary body
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the black double arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Green = Pectinate ligament
Blue = Cornea
Black = Limbus
Yellow = Sclera
Pectinate ligament
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the orange arrow pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
Black = Pectinate ligament
Orange = Canal of Schlemm
Blue = Spaces of Fontana
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
Black = Pectinate ligament
Green = Canal of Schlemm
Blue = Spaces of Fontana
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black = Pectinate ligament
Blue = Spaces of Fontana
Red arrow = Canal of Schlemm
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
Green = Substantia propria
Red = Epithelium
Black = Endothelium
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Black = Epithelium
Yellow = Substantia propria
Blue = Bowman’s membrane
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
Blue = Bowman’s membrane
Black = Epithelium
Green = Substantia propria
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
Blue - Descemet’s membrane
Black = Endothelium
Green = Substantia propria
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Black = Endothelium
Blue = Descemet’s membrane
Optic nerve
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Blue = Choroid
Red = Bruch’s membrane
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Blue = Choroid
Red = Lamina vitrea
Optic nerve
What are the red arrows pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Red = Tapetum lucidum
Black = Retina
Green = Sclera
Blue = Choroid
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Black = Retina
Red = Tapetum lucidum
Blue = Choroid
Yellow = Sclera
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Green = Retina
Red = Tapetum lucidum
Black = Choroid
What are the red arrows pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Red = Tapetum lucidum
Yellow = Retina
Blue = Choroid
Ciliary body
Ciliary body
Ciliary body
What does this whole structure encompass?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Structure = Ciliary body
Black = Ciliary muscle
What does this whole structure encompass?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Structure = Ciliary body
Black = Ciliary muscle
What does this whole structure encompass?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Structure = Ciliary body
Black = Ciliary muscle
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Blue = Ciliary processes
Black = Pars ciliaris retinae
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Blue = Ciliary processes
Black = Pars ciliaris retinae
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Blue = Ciliary processes
Black = Zonular fibers
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Blue = Ciliary processes
Black = Zonular fibers
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = Zonular fibers
Blue arrows = Ciliary processes
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
Black = Zonular fibers
Blue = Ciliary processes
What are the black arrows pointing to?
What is the blue area indicating?
Black = Iris
Blue = Pupil
What is the green arrow pointing to?
What is the red arrow pointing to?
What is the black arrow pointing to?
Green = Iris
Red = Ciliary processes
Black = Ciliary body
What is the red arrow pointing to?
What is the green arrow pointing to?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What is the black arrow pointing to?
Red = Iris
Green = Pars iridica retinae
Blue = Remnants of zonular fibers
Black = CIliary processes
What is the green arrow pointing to?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What are the brown arrows pointing to?
What are the red arrows pointing to?
What is the black arrow pointing to?
Green = Posterior pigmented epithelium, iris
Blue = Dilator pupillae m.
Brown = Blood vessels
Red = Constrictor pupillae m.
Black = Iris
What is the green arrow pointing to?
What are the yellow arrows pointing to?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What is the brown arrow pointing to?
What are the black arrows pointing to?
What is the purple arrow pointing at?
Green = Pars iridica retinae (posterior epithelium, retinae)
Yellow = Anterior pigmented epithelium
Blue = Dilator pupillae m.
Brown = Blood vessel
Black = Anterior surface, iris
Purple = Iris
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
What is the brown arrow pointing to?
What are the red arrows pointing to?
Yellow = Anterior pigmented epithelium
Green = Pars iridica retinae (posterior epithelium, iris)
Blue = Dilator pupillae m.
Brown = Blood vessel
Red = Constrictor pupillae m.
What structure is this?
What is the black arrow pointing to?
What is the blue arrow pointing to?
Black = Anterior lens capsule
Blue = Lens
Anterior lens capsule
What side is the blue arrow pointing to?
What side is the red arrow pointing to?
What is the black arrow pointing to?
Blue = Posterior
Red = Anterior
Black = Lens capsule
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What are the yellow arrows pointing to?
Black = Lens capsule
Blue = Lens fibers
Yellow = Subcapsular epithelium
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What are the yellow arrows pointing to?
Black = Lens capsule
Blue = Lens fibers
Yellow = Subcapsular epithelium
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
What are the yellow arrows pointing to?
Black = Lens capsule
Blue = Lens fibers
Yellow = Subcapsular epithelium
Lens star
What do the black arrows delineate?
What do the yellow arrows delineate?
What do the red arrows delineate?
Black = Retina
Yellow = Choroid
Red = Sclera
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What do the yellow arrows delineate?
What do the black arrows delineate?
Red = Sclera
Yellow = Choroid
Black = Retina
Identify #1 - #9
What are the green arrows pointing to?
1 = Inner limiting membrane
2 = Layer of optic nerve fibers
3 = Ganglion cell layer
4 = Inner plexiform layer
5 = Inner nuclear layer
6 = Outer plexiform player
7 = Outer nuclear layer
8 = Outer limiting membrane
9 = Rod and cone layer
Green = Pigmented epithelium
Identify #1 - #9
What are the green arrows pointing to?
1 = Inner limiting membrane
2 = Layer of optic nerve fibers
3 = Ganglion cell layer
4 = Inner plexiform layer
5 = Inner nuclear layer
6 = Outer plexiform player
7 = Outer nuclear layer
8 = Outer limiting membrane
9 = Rod and cone layer
Green = Pigmented epithelium
Orra serrata
Orra serrata
Orra serrata
Orra serrata
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars ciliaris retinae
Pars iridica retinae
Pars iridica retinae
Pars iridica retinae
Pars iridica retinae
Pars iridica retinae
Pars iridica retinae
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What are the white arrows pointing at?
Red = Optic disc
White = Area of fovea centralis
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Yellow = Vitreous chamber
Black = Posterior
Blue = Anterior chamber
Identify #1 - #3
1 = Upper eyelid
#2 = Lower eyelid
#3 = 3rd eyelid
Identify #1 - #3
1 = Cornea
#2 = Sclera
#3 = Eyelid
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Black = Palpebral conjunctiva
Blue = Bulbar conjunctiva
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Black = Palpebral conjunctiva
Blue = Bulbar conjunctiva
Palpebral conjunctiva
Palpebral conjunctiva
Tarsal glands
Tarsal glands
Tarsal glands
Tarsal glands
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Red = Glands of Moll
Blue = Eyelash
Black = Glands of Zeiss
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the black arrow pointing at?
Red = Glands of Moll
Blue = Eyelash
Black = Glands of Zeiss
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red pointing at?
Black = Glands of Zeiss
Red = Glands of Moll
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow at?
Black = Palpebral conjunctiva
Blue = Bulbar conjunctiva
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow at?
Black = Palpebral conjunctiva
Blue = Bulbar conjunctiva
Bulbar conjunctiva
Levetor palpebrae superioris m.
Levetor palpebrae superioris m.
Levetor palpebrae superioris m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Black = Sclera
Red = Cornea
Green = 3rd eyelid
Yellow = Eyelid
Cartilage of 3rd eyelid
Cartilage of 3rd eyelid
Cartilage of 3rd eyelid