Exam 3 Identification Flashcards
What layer is the black arrow pointing to?
What are the orange arrows pointing to?
Lamina epithelialis`(labia)
Right = hard palate
Left = soft palate
Red = Submucosa`
Blue = Tunica muscularis
Labial glands
Blood vessels
Tuncia muscularis
Skeletal muscle
Soft palate
What are the black arrows?
Lamina epithelialis (soft palate)
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
Stratified squamous epithelium (soft palate)
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Lamina propria
Blood vessels (soft palate)
Palatine glands / mucous glands
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Tunica muscularis
Mucosa (tongue)
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Lamina epithelialis (tongue)
Filiform papilllae
Fungiform papillae
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Taste buds
Vallate papillae
What are the blue-shaded areas?
Lingual glands
Alveolar ducts
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Intrinsic skeletal muscle
What tooth is the red shaded area pointing at?
I1 incisor
What tooth is the red shaded area pointing at?
I2 incisors
What tooth is the red shaded area pointing at?
I3 incisors
Dental lamina
What stage is this tooth at?
Bud stage
What stage is this tooth at?
Cap stage
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Dental papilla
Enamel organ
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Outer enamel epithelium
What are the yellow shaded areas?
Stratum reticulum
What is the green arrow pointing to?
Stratum intermedium
What are the purple arrows pointing to?
Inner enamel epithelium
What are the black arrows pointing to?
What are the red arrows pointing to?
What is the area between dentin and the periodontal ligament?
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the blue arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Dental sac
What is the red-shaded area?
Alveolar bone
What is the red-shaded area?
Periodontal ligament
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Sharpey’s fibers
Epithelial root sheath
Lamina epithelialis (esophagus)
Lamina propria
What is the yellow shaded area?
Lamina propria (esophagus)
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Muscularis mucosa (esophagus)
What are the black arrows pointing to?
Submucosa (esophagus)
Esophageal glands
What are the red arrows pointing to?
Meissner’s plexus (esophagus)
What are the blue arrows pointing to?
Muscularis mucosa
Submucosa (esophagus)
Tunica muscularis (esophagus)
Tunica muscularis (esophagus)
Inner circular muscle layer (smooth/skeletal) (esophagus)
Myenteric plexus (esophagus)
Outer longitudinal muscle (esophagus) layer (smooth/skeletal)
Tunica adventitia/serosa (esophagus)
Gastric pits
Cardiac region
Stomach Mucosa
What are the yellow arrows?
Stratum compactum
Stomach mucosa
What are the yellow arrows?
Mucous cells
What are the blue arrows?
Parietal cells
Stratum compactum (carnivores)
What are the blue arrows?
Muscularis mucosa
Whar is the red arrow pointing at?
Meissner’s plexus
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Inner oblique smooth muscle layer
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Middle circular smooth muscle layer
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
Outer longitudinal smooth muscle layer
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Gastric pits
What layer of the fundus are the yellow arrows pointing at?
Lamina epithelialis
What are the black arrows pointing at?
Fundic glands –> Mucous cells