Exam 4 (Female Reproductive System) Flashcards
Capsule (tunica albuginea ovarii)
Capsule (tunica albuginea ovarii)
Capsule (tunica albuginea ovarii)
What are the black arrows pointing at? What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrows = cortex
Red arrow = medulla
Primordial follicles
Primordial follicles
Primordial follicles
Primordial follicles
Primary follicle
Primary follicle
Primary follicle
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = primary follicle
Yellow arrows = zona pellucida
Red arrow = primary oocyte
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = primary follicle
Yellow arrows = zona pellucida
Red arrow = primary oocyte
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = secondary follicles
Red arrows = antrum
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = secondary follicles
Red arrows = antrum
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrow = secondary follicle
Yellow arrows = zona granulosum
Red arrows = antrum
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What are the yellow arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrow = secondary follicle
Yellow arrows = zona granulosum
Red arrows = antrum
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = Graafian follicles
Red arrow = Antrum
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = Graafian follicles
Red arrow = Antrum
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = Graafian follicles
Red arrow = Antrum
What is the black arrow pointing to?
What is the red arrow pointing to?
Black arrow = cumulus oophorus
Red arrow = antrum
What is the black arrow pointing to?
What is the red arrow pointing to?
Black arrow = cumulus oophorus
Red arrow = antrum
Cumulus oophorus
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at
Black arrow = theca interna
Yellow arrow = theca externa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at
Black arrow = theca interna
Yellow arrow = theca externa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = theca interna
Yellow arrow = theca externa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the yellow arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = theca interna
Yellow arrow = theca externa
Corpus luteum
Corpus luteum
Corpus luteum
Corpus luteum
Corpus albicans
Corpus albicans
Corpus albicans
Corpus albicans
Corpus albicans
Atretic follicle
Atretic follicle
Atretic follicle
Atretic follicle
Atretic follicle
Uterine tube/oviduct
Epithelium (oviduct)
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = lamina epithelialis
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = lamina epithelialis
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = lamina epithelialis
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrow = tunica muscularis
Blue arrow = tunica serosa
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrow = tunica muscularis
Blue arrow = tunica serosa
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What are the red arrows pointing at?
Black arrow = tunica muscularis
Blue arrow = tunica serosa
Red arrows = lamina propria/submucosa
What layer are the black arrows pointing at?
What layer are the blue arrows pointing at?
What layer are the yellow arrows pointing at?
Black arrows = endometrium
Blue arrows = myometrium
Yellow arrows = perimetrium
What is the black arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Black arrow = mucosa
Red arrow = submucosa
What is the blue arrow pointing at?
What is the green arrow pointing at?
What is the red arrow pointing at?
Blue arrow = lamina epithelialis
Green arrow = mucosa
Red arrow = submucosa
Endometrial glands
Endometrial glands
Endometrial glands
Endometrial glands
Endometrial glands
Smooth muscle - outer myometrium
Smooth muscle - inner myometrium
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What is the blue-shaded area?
What is the green-shaded area?
Black arrows = lamina epithelialis
Blue = Lamina propria/submucosa
Green = tunica muscularis
What are the black arrows pointing at?
What is the yellow-shaded area?
Black arrows = lamina epithelialis
Yellow = lamina propria/submucosa
lamina propria/submucosa
lamina propria/submucosa
What are the black arrows pointing to?
What is the blue-shaded area?
Black arrows = tunica serosa
Blue = tunica muscularis