EYE - cavidad orbitaria Flashcards
Size of eye
2 -3 cm
Fissura orbital superior - which bones
Alas mayor and menor del hueso esfenoides
Fissura orbital superior - communicates with
Infratemporal and pterigopalatino fissures
Where is the conducto optico
alas menores del hueso esfenoides
Where is the ethmoid orifice
lamina orbitaria del hueso ETHMOIDE y
pocion orbital del hueso FRONTAL
Where is the nasolacrimal sulcus and what does it connect to
Lacrimal bone + maxilar.
Connects to the nasal fosa
Where is the nasolacrimal sulcus and what does it connect to
Lacrimal bone + maxilar.
Connects to the nasal fossa
Which side of the globo ocular is vulnerable?
Pared Lateral
Angle between the the sagittal axis and the orbital axis ?
23 degrees
Angle between the sagittal axis and pared lateral
45 degrees
What makes up the tunica fibrosa ?
Cornea and sclera
What are the orifices of the sclera?
- Lamina cribosa de la esclerotica: nervio optico
- Posterior cilliary orifices: short posterior cilliary arteries and veins
- 2 long posterior cilliary arteries
- Medio orificios: venos vortices
What are the colours of the cornea and sclera?
Cornea: Transparent
Sclera: Normally white, blue in newborns and yellow in the old
Where is the limbo escerocorneal?
between the posterior end of the cornea and the anterior start of the sclera
Where is the conjunctiva?
Starts from the sclercorneal limbus and covers the posterior part of the eyelid before turning and covering part of the sclera.
Where is the conjunctiva?
The white of the eye
Wheere is the canal of schlemm
Posterior to the limbus sclerocorneal
What is the keratocone?
The thin, funnel like central part of the cornea(thickness is not uniform)
Innervation of the cornea
Sensitive = nasociliar (ofthalmic)
Motor = facial
What nerve is in charge of the corneal reflex?
Nasociliar nerve <- Ofthalmic <- Trigeminal
3 aprts of the tunica media/vascular/uvea
- Iris, Cuerpo Ciliar and Coroides
What are the names of the 2 iris muscles?
Circular and radial muscles
What is miosis?
It is the closing of the pupil and mediated by the iridoconstrictors (circular muscles)
What is midriasis?
It is the dilation or opening of the pupl and mediated by the radial muscles (iridodilatadores).
What is midriasis?
It is the dilation or opening of the pupl and mediated by the radial muscles (iridodilatadores).
What is miosis?
It is the closing of the pupil and mediated by the iridoconstrictors (circular muscles).
Which is sympathetic and which is parasympathetic for miosis and midriadis.
Miosis - closing of the pupil - parasympathetic (oculomotor nerve)
Midriasis - dilation/opening of the pupil - sympathetic (sup. cervical ganglion)
Sensitive innervation of the iris comes from the?
Trigeminal nerve
Angle between the the sagittal axis and the orbital axis ?
23 degrees
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
Innervation of the cilliar body comes from the?
Oculomotor nerve
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
What and where is the ORBICULUS CILIAR?
parte posterior y lisa del cuerpo cilliar (continuación de la ora serrata)
What and where is the CORONA CILIAR?
Anterior, rough part
What and where is the CORONA CILIAR?
Anterior, rough part of the cilliar body. It contains a lot of blood vessels that produce the humor acuoso
What passes inside the anillo de zinn?
- OPtic Nerve
- Ofthalmic artery
- Oculomotor
- Abduccens
- Nasocilliar nerve
What passes outside the anillo de zinn but inside the superior orbital fissure?
Frontal Nerve
Lagrimal nerve
Troclear nerve
Sup. + Inf Oftalmic nerves.
Which of the orbital muscles are not innervated by the oculomotor nerve?
Superior Oblique: Trochlear
Rectus Lateral: Abduccens
what are the 3 types of glands on the eyelid
- Meibomio/tarsal: sebaceous, interior side of the eyelid
- Zeiss/Sebaceous: related to the hair follicles of the eyelashes
- Moll/Ciliar: sweat/follicular
What and where is the CORONA CILIAR?
Anterior, rough part of the cilliar body. It contains a lot of blood vessels that produce the humor acuoso
What is the nerve in charge of accomodation?
Oculomotor (III)
Angle between the the sagittal axis and the orbital axis ?
23 degrees
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
Angle between the the sagittal axis and the orbital axis ?
23 degrees
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
The orbit is related to the paranasal sinuses how:
Superiorly: Frontal sinuses
Inferiorly: Maxillary sinuses
Medially: Ethmoidal sinuses
Posteriorly: Sphenoid Sinuses
Angle between the the sagittal axis and the orbital axis ?
23 degrees
What and where is the CORONA CILIAR?
Anterior, rough part of the cilliar body. It contains a lot of blood vessels that produce the humor acuoso