Exxcellence pearls: urinary fistulae Flashcards
How can pooled fluid in the vagina be assessed for urinary injury?
Creatinine above serum levels confirms the presence of urine.
What are risk factors for urinary system injury during gynecologic surgery?
Embryologic anomalies such as double ureter
Prior surgeries such as C-sections or renal transplant
Fibroids especially paracervical
Severe endometriosis
Severe acute or chronic inflammatory disease including radiation
Describe the general principle regarding development of the vesicouterine plane.
Sharp rather than blunt dissection is advisable.
Describe the “tampon test”.
Give IV methylene blue and have the patient walk around with a vaginal tampon in place. Presence of blue dye at the deep end suggests a defect from the bladder to vagina.
If vaginal fistula is suspected but cannot be confirmed on exam, what imaging is indicated?
IV pyelogram or retrograde pyelogram
How should postoperative fistulae be managed?
Conservative management with Foley drainage is often sufficient. Vaginal estrogen or urinary antibiotics may be helpful.