EXW 109 (Unit Specific) Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Flashcards
What are the six phases of terrorist methodology?
- Target options
- Selection surveillance
- Target selection
- Detailed surveillance
- Training preparation
- The attack
What are some common terrorist tactics?
- Assassination
- Hostage taking
- Bombing
- Kid napping
- Seizure of buildings
- High jacking
- Information warfare
What types of weapons are WMDs?
- High explosives
- Chemical
- Biological
- Nuclear
- Radiological
The vulnerability of an asset/area is determined by what three components?
- Capability
- Accessibility
- Recognizability
The criticality of an asset/area is determined by what three components?
- Importance to the mission
- Effect
- Recoverability
Six planning and response assessments part of any AT/FP plan
- Terrorism threat
- Vulnerability
- Risk
- Anti-terrorism/physical security
- Terrorist incident respons
- Terrorist consequence management
What is an ECP?
Entry Control Point
-point of first contact with security forces
What are the levels of AT/FP training?
Level 1: awareness
Level 2: antiterrorism officer
What is the AT officer responsible for?
- Managing programs
- Advising commander
- Provide training
Name the three sides of the deadly force triangle.
- Capability
- Opportunity
- Intent (Hardest to prove)
FPCON Normal
Applies when a general global threat of p[ossible terrorist activity exist. Normal security posture.
Applies when there is an increase general threat of possible terrorist activity. Alpha measures must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.
Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. Prolonged Bravo measures may affect operational capability and relations with local authorities.
FPCON Charlie
Applies when an incident occurrs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is likely. Prolonged implementation will create hardship and affect activities of unit and personnel.
Applies immediately after an attack has occurred or when intelligence indicates terrorist action against personnel or facilities is imminent. Delta measure are not intended to be sustained for long periods.