extre Flashcards
slef-esteem single vs realtionships.. timely begginers start low self estemm but increase to highest, early begginers highest throughout , late begginers lowest
• Neyer and Lenhart 2007
investigated 59 genes, reward dependence most strongly related to norepinephrine- less uspoort between serotoin and harm avoidance and dopamine and novelty seeking (how likely is a guy likely to cum? Reward your bf with sex)
• Comings et al 2000:
• Bernhardt et al 1998
world cup soccer: brazlian won on penalties extra time. Salivaery testosterone of both teams fairly similar before start , if losse testosterone drops if win testosterone increases (if you burn your hardness burns too
45 ets of MZ reared apart and 26 DZ reared apart. Average twin correlation .54. highest correlation was with imagination lowes t on social closeness
• Miinoseta twin stidy
religousity in adulthood. DZ twins: .60 in adolescence and .40 in 30s, MZ twins .70 adolescence and .60 in 30s (koeing over God)
• Koeing et al 2005
heritability of smoking initation is .44•
Vink etg al2005
stronger similarity in observations reports than self and observer reports. DZ twis more than 50% similar so evidence for common environment, support for contrast effects
• Borkenau et al 2001
similarity of MZ twins believed to be DZ is greater than DZ believed to be Mz. Shows similarity of MZ twins is not due to similar treatment. (treatment discrepanices doesn’t SCAR them)
• Scar et Carter-Saltzman (1979):
): size of personality difference is weakly correlated in amount of parental and peer differecnes of treatment. Uniqueness effect .15 (low correlation)
• Loehlin (1997):
• Burt, McGue and lacono (2009
the two members of thr pair in delinquent behaviour and differences in deviant friends. More delinquent behaviour aged 14 mre deviant friends aged 17, think bart simpson.
• Adler: first born more insecure, last brns most spoilt (ad le siblings in to the mix and bam)
): later born siblings more agreeable/open to experiences and low conscientiousness(new ways to impress parents). Contrast effect asking to compare openness between later and first borns as studies assessing personality traits show virtually no differences
• Sulloway (1996):
stressful life events predicted drepression in individuals with S allele of 5-HTT but not l, childhood maltreatment predicted adulthood depression among s allele carriers of 5-HTTLPR
• Caspi et al 2003
what predicts martial satisfaction? Happiness of marriage, sexual satisfaction and levels of confluct. Own agreeableness and emotional stability related to martial satisfaction (agreeable and stable precited satisfyaction
• Watson et al 2004
: anxious attachment (worry about loss of love) and avoiudant attachment (uncomfortable being emotionally close)
• Bartholomew and horowitz 1991
self reports of big five and adult attachment style. Axious attachmet closely related to low stability and low conscientiousness. Avoidant attachment weakly related to low extraversion and low conscientiourness (it is a close shave what personality traits relate to what attachment style
• Noftle and shaver 2006