extras Flashcards
aircraft systems 2, 4, other aircraft systems, oxygen and pressure
● Increasing the oil temperature will cause
➢ The oil consumption to increase;
➢ The oil to lose its lubricity; and,
➢ Possible engine damage
ifr approach procedures
Radar vectors
● The initial instruction is normally a turn to a heading for radar
vectors, then to a final approach to the runway in use.
➢ When being radar vectored ATC takes responsibility for
obstacle clearance.
➢ When ATC clears the pilot for the approach the pilot
becomes responsible for obstacle clearance
● Should a communication failure occur after this point, the pilot
should continue and carry out a straight-in approach if able or
carry out a procedure turn and land as soon as possible.
● Aircraft are vectored so as to intercept the final approach course
approximately 2 NM from the point at which final descent will
● Instrument approaches at Canada’s major airports are conducted
by radar vectors to the Final Approach Course (FAC)
Pilots complying with speed adjustment within 10 KT
Visual Approach
● A Visual Approach is an approach where:
➢ An aircraft on an IFR flight plan.
➢ Under the control of ATC and having ATC authorization.
➢ May proceed to the destination airport visually and clear of clouds.
● the pilot or controller may request a vectored flight to conduct a visual approach clearance provided that:
➢ The reported ceiling is at least 500 feet above the established minimum IFR altitude and the ground visibility is at least 3 SM.
➢ The pilot reports sighting the airport or at a controlled aerodrome the identified preceding aircraft from which visual separation will be maintained
● The controller considers acceptance of a Visual Approach clearance as acknowledgment that the pilot shall be responsible for:
➢ At controlled aerodromes, maintaining separation from traffic that the pilot is instructed to follow.
➢ Maintaining adequate wake turbulence separation
➢ At uncontrolled aerodromes maintaining appropriate separation from VFR traffic that, in many cases, will not be known to ATC
● At uncontrolled airports, aircraft are required to remain clear of clouds and are expected to complete a landing as soon as possible.
● If a landing cannot be accomplished, the aircraft is required to remain clear of clouds and are expected to contact ATC as soon as possible for further clearance.
● ATC separation from other IFR aircraft will be maintained under these circumstances
● Circling is the term used to describe an IFR procedure that is conducted by visually manoeuvring an aircraft, after completing an instrument approach, into position for landing on a runway which is not suitably located for a straight-in landing
● There can be no single procedure for conducting a circling approach due to variables such as runway layout, final approach track, wind velocity, and weather conditions
● The basic requirements are to keep the runway in sight after initial visual contact and remain at the circling MDA until a normal landing is assured
● The circling MDA provides a minimum of 300 feet above all obstacles within the visual manoeuvring area for each category.
IFR Uncontrolled Aerodrome Procedures
● transmit the following directed or broadcast reports:
➢ Report 5 minutes prior to the Estimated Approach Time (EAT) including in this report both approach intentions and estimated time of landing
➢ Report upon passing the fix with the intention of conducting a PT, or if no PT is intended, upon first interception of the final approach track.
➢ Report upon passing the FAF during the final approach or 3 minutes before the estimated time of landing where no FAF exists, approach facility on the aerodrome
Instruments - ASI
Position and Instrument Error
● Position error is caused by the position of the pitot tube.
● Instrument Error is caused by the airspeed indicator itself.
● If we correct IAS for Positional and Instrument Error we get Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
Compressibility Error
● This error is introduced at higher airspeeds, those greater than 250 KT.
● Correcting CAS for Compressibility we then get the Equivalent Airspeed (EAS).
Density Error
● This error is caused by changes in altitude and temperature.
● Airspeed indicators are initially calibrated for the ICAO standard atmosphere (ISA).
➢ At sea level IAS equals TAS.
● As our altitude increases above sea level the air becomes less dense, so for a certain TAS the IAS will be lower because readings will be less accurate.
➢ Stated another way, as altitude increases TAS will be higher for an IAS.
Static Port-Blocked!
Airspeed indicator will
● under-read more and more as you climb.
● over-read more and more as you descend. MUST KNOW
Altimeter will
● stop moving
Vertical speed indicator will
● reduce to zero if climbing or descending and or remain at zero
● A blocked pitot causes the airspeed indicator to act like an altimeter, increase in a climb and decrease in a descent
Pitot Tube-Partially Blocked!
● A partial blockage, in which the drain hole is still open, will allow the dynamic pressure in the pitot to slowly leak out.
● In this case the ASI will decrease to zero, not instantly but very quickly.
Calculating Pressure Altitude
➢ Remember that 1 in Hg is equal to 1 000 feet of altitude
1. Take 29.92 (the standard atmosphere value) and subtract the current altimeter setting; next,
2. Multiply this value by 1 000; and
3. If the number is positive it will be added to the elevation of the airport. If the number is negative it will subtracted from the elevation
prop basics - airframes
Geometric and Effective Pitch
● Propeller efficiency is the ratio of thrust horsepower to brake horsepower.
● Geometric pitch is the theoretical distance a propeller should advance in one rotation.
● Effective pitch is the actual distance a propeller will advance in one revolution.
● Propeller slip is the difference between effective pitch and geometric pitch
● This is caused by the propeller forcing the aeroplane to rotate in the opposite direction to the propeller’s rotation.
● For a prop that rotates clockwise from the pilot’s perspective, this results in a tendency to roll to the left
● The airfoil of the propeller creates drag which causes the air to rotate in the direction of the propeller’s rotation as the air moves aft.
● Most aircraft have a vertical fin and rudder that stick up and projects well above the centerline of the slipstream.
● The helical propwash strikes the left side of the tail, pushing it to the right, which makes the nose go to the left
The effect of propwash in cruise has been anticipated by the aircraft designers.
● The vertical fin and rudder have been installed at a slight angle to align with the airflow, not with the axis of the aircraft.
● In a high-airspeed low-power situation, as in a power OFF descent, the built in compensation is more than enough, so left rudder (or dial in left-rudder trim) is needed to undo the compensation and get the tail lined up with the actual airflow.
● Conversely, in a high-power low-airspeed situation, such as the initial takeoff roll or in slow flight, the helix is extra-tightly wound, so right rudder needs to be applied
Gyroscopic Precession
● Since it is spinning, a propeller is a gyroscope.
● Precession is a gyroscopic force which originates from the movement of the propeller.
➢ According to the law of precession a force exerted on a spinning mass will cause a reaction 90° along the direction of rotation.
● Because of the gyroscopic precession effect pitching of the nose causes yawing and yawing of the nose causes pitching.
● Most pronounced in a tailwheel aircraft well raising the tail on the takeoff
Asymmetric Thrust / P-Factor
● In level flight the propeller disc is orientated in a vertical plane to the horizontal and since both blades have the same angle of attack the thrust of the entire prop is the same across its disc.
● When we pitch the nose up this will cause the blade pitch angle on the right descending blade to increase and the ascending blade on the left to decrease.
● For conventional gear (taildragger) the initial ground roll, with the tail on the ground, will be affected by asymmetric thrust / P-factor causing a left yaw.
Therefore the descending blade takes a larger “bite” or cut of air.
➢ It has a higher angle of attack than the upgoing blade, which creates more thrust on the right side of the propeller disc.
● The net effect of this is to turn the aircraft to the left which the pilot must anticipate with application of right rudder.
● In some aircraft engine installations the engine is pointed slightly to the right.
➢ The right thrust effect is used to offset the P-factor of the descending blade
Operational and emergency equipment
air law 1
Passenger Seat Belts / Restraints
➢ During movement of the aircraft on the surface;
➢ During takeoff and landing; and,
➢ Any time during flight that the PIC considers it necessary that safety belts be fastened
The pilot flying should have their seat belt on at all times.
● Other crew members should wear them during takeoff, landing, and when directed by the PIC
Reportable aviation accident
Person serious injured or killed
Ac has substantial damage
Ac is missing or inaccessible
Reportable incident
Greater than 2250 kg (5000 lb)
Crew member declares emergency or requires priority handling
Collision, risk of collision
In accident/incident
Reports made asap by quickest means possible on all accidents and incidents
Removal of wreckage done only with authorization or if necessary
flight plans
see notes air law 1
Nav - computerized flight plans
Life Preservers and Flotation Devices
No take-off or a landing on water or over water beyond where the aircraft could reach shore in engine failure, unless a life preserver, individual flotation device or personal flotation device is carried for each person on board.
(2) No person shall operate a land aeroplane, gyroplane, helicopter or airship at more than 50 nautical miles from shore unless a life preserver is carried for each person on board.
Flight Crew Qualifications
The operator must ensure that no person acts as a flight crew member unless they
➢ hold the required valid licence and ratings;
➢ have completed at least 3 takeoffs and 3 landings in the preceding 90 days on the aircraft type or an approved sim;
➢ has successfully completed a Pilot Proficiency Check (PPC), the validity period of which has not expired, for that type of aircraft, in accordance with the CARs
Takeoff Minima
A person may not takeoff in weather that is at or above the takeoff minima but below the landing minima unless:
➢ An alternate aerodrome (takeoff alternate) is within 60 mins at the one-engine inoperative cruise speed (10 or more passengers), or within the distance that can be flown in 60 minutes at normal cruise speed (less than 10 passengers).
➢ A person may also takeoff if the weather is at or above the landing minima for another suitable runway at the departure aerodrome.
‘RVR 1200’ takeoff
➢ COM shall contain detailed guidance on departure procedures.
➢ takeoff alternate minimas.
➢ The runway must have HIRL’s or runway centreline lights or with runway centre-line markings that are visible to the pilot for takeoff.
➢ The PIC is satisfied that RVR 1200 feet (1/4 mile) visibility exists during takeoff.
➢ PIC and SIC attitude instruments shall incorporate pitch attitude index lines.
➢ Essential instruments must have a failure warning system installed.
➢ Essential instruments are defined as HAD: attitude indicators, directional gyros and HSI’s horizontal situation indicators.
➢ The flight crew members shall be given training RVR 1200 T/O.
➢ Chief pilot or delegate must certify training in the training file.
➢ PIC shall have at least 100 hours of PIC experience on the aeroplane type.
Vfr obstacle clearance
Except when conducting a takeoff or landing, pilots must maintain an altitude of at least 1 000 feet above the highest obstacle within 3 miles on each side of the route flown at night.
● During the day pilots must not fly at less than 500 feet AGL or 500 feet horizontally from any obstacles
One Engine Inoperative En Route
No person shall operate a multi-engine airplane with passengers when in IFR or during a VFR night flight if the weight of the aircraft is greater than the maximum weight at which the aircraft can maintain the MOCA of the route to be flown with any engine inoperative.
● When operating in VFR the aircraft must be able to maintain 500 feet AGL
Dispatch limitations - landing
No person shall dispatch an aircraft if the weight of the aircraft will not allow a full stop landing at the destination and alternate aerodrome in
➢ Propeller driven aircraft – 70% of the LDA.
➢ Turbo jet aircraft – 60% of the LDA.