Extractions And Ortho Flashcards
How can space be created?
Functional appliances used during growth Distal movement- extending arch Expansion- widens jaws Interdental enamel reduction Extraction
How can distal movement be facilitated?
Head gear
Non compliance distal user
How can expansion be facilitated?
Quad helix
RME - Rapid maxillary expander
What are reasons for XLA of deciduous teeth?
Caries Trauma Ectopic permanent teeth Hypotonia Centre line shift Infra occlusion Prep for alveolar bone graft- cleft patients
when XLA as and bs?
Ectopic permanent teeth
When XLA cs?
Caries Trauma Transitional incisor crowding Correct centre line shift Ectopic permanent canines
When XLA ds?
Infra occlusion
Ectopic permanents
Ectopic permanent canines with crowding
When XLA es?
Caries Ectopic 5 Infra occlusion Missing 5s Impacted 6s
What should management be re. Ectopic permanent canines?
Palate age 9
If not palpable- rads at 10
Parallax required for location
If palatal lay ectopic XLA Cs
When XLA permanent upper 1?
Never through choice Trauma Root fracture Pathology Severe ectopia/ dilaceration
When XLA upper 2s?
If contra lateral tooth absent
Invaginate odontome
Palatal exclusion- only if 1-3 contact well
When XLA mandible incisors?
If lingual exclusion and otherwise well aligned
In cases of fanned incisors
May result in increased over jet/ over bite
When XLA canines?
If palatally or buccally placed
When XLA 4s
Good for anterior and posterior crowding
Reduction in overjet
XLA of all 4s most common prior to placement of fixed appliances for class 1 crowding
When XLA 2nd premolar(5)
Mild anterior or posterior crowding
Requires fixed appliance for 4-6 contact