Extract 5 Flashcards
Hoc tu quam ob rem non fecisti?
Why didn’t you do that?
Extract 5 line 1
Extract 5 line 2
Ecquem scis
Do you know…? [other pirates caught but not beheaded]
Extract 5 line 3
Secure percussus
Extract 5 line 4
Unum cedo auctorem tui facti, unius profer exemplum
Please produce evidence for your actions, with one example
Extract 5 line 4
Why? [the pirate captain was kept alive]
Extract 5 line 5
Per triumphum
For your triumph?
Extract 5 line 5/6
I suppose
Extract 5 line 6
Quem ante currum tuum duceres
So you could lead him in front of your chariot
Extract 5 line 6
Neque enim quicquam erat reliquam nisi uti classe populi Romani provinciaque lacerata
For there was nothing left for us to do except, since you lost an excellent Roman fleet and tore apart a province
(Extract 5 line 6/7)
Age porro
Very well then
Extract 5 line 9
Novo more
New idea
Extract 5 line 9
Omnium exemplo
As has always been done
Extract 5 line 10
Apud quos homines, quem ad modum est adservatus?
Amongst which people, and in what manner was he kept?
Extract 5 line 10/11
Stone quarries
Extract 5 line 11
Regum ac tyrranorum
Of kings and tyrants [had extended the quarries]
Extract 5 line 12/13
Nihil tam clausum ad exitum
Nothing so impossible to escape from
Extract 5 line 14
Nihil tam saeptum undique
Nothing so enclosed on all sides
Extract 5 line 14/15
Nihil tam tuum ad custodiam nec fieri nec cogitari potest
Nothing so securely guarded can be created or imagined
Extract 5 line 15/16