Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Flashcards
What is the ECM?
Complex network of proteins and carbohydrates deposited by cells into the space between cells. It is made up of both fibrillar and non-fibrillar components
What are the 2 broad roles of the ECM?
- Mechanical stability (architectural)
2. Influence cell behaviour (instructional)
What are the functions of the ECM?
Provide physical support
Determine the mechanical and physicochemical properties of the tissue
Influence the growth, adhesion and differentiation status of the cells and tissues with which it interacts
What is connective tissue?
ECM + component cells (e.g. macrophages)
What does connective tissue contain?
All connective tissues contain a distinct spectrum of:
Collagens - e.g. Type I, II, III (fibrillar), Type IV (basement membrane)
Multi-adhesive glycoproteins - e.g. fibronectin, fibrinogen, laminins (basement membrane)
Proteoglycans (extracellular matrix) - e.g. aggrecan, versican, decorin, perlecan (basement membrane)
How do matrix components interact with each other?
Via specific cell receptors
How does connective tissue show a variety of properties?
The combination / arrangement of different types of collagen coupled with different component cells
e.g. Vitreous humour (eyes) = soft and transparent but tendon = tough and flexible
What are collagens?
A family of fibrous proteins found mainly in skin, tendons and bone
28 different collagen types exist in humans
Encoded by 48 different genes
What is the molecular constitution of collagen?
Each collagen molecule has 3 alpha helices - forming a triple helix
Can be composed of one or more alpha chain types
Type I collagen - chains from 2 different genes [a1(I)]2 [a2(I)]
Types II and III - one chain type [a1(II)]3 and [a1(III)]3
How is and what does the collagen triple helix form?
Primary sequence contains a characteristic glycine-x-y repeat
Every third position must be a glycine - this is the only amino acid small enough to occupy the interior of the triple helix (R group = H)
x is often proline and y is often hydroxyproline (hydroxylation of proline contributes to interchain hydrogen bond formation)
Lysine and hydroxylysine are similarly modified in the formation of covalent crosslinkages
3 alpha chains together forms a stiff triple helical structure
What do crosslinks in collagen provide and how do they arise?
Tensile strength and stability
Involves lysine and hydroxylysine residues - Covalent crosslinking only takes place only after the collagen has been secreted
How does Vitamin C deficiency (and iron deficiency) affect tissue stability (scurvy)?
Vitamin C-deficiency results in underhydroxylated collagens
Prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase require vitamin C as a co-factor and iron for functionality
Lack of hydroxylation results in the inability to form solid fibres
What are the steps for collagen biosynthesis?
Collagen is made as procollagen in the endoplasmic reticulum
Procollagen has N and C regions which are not in triple helices
Once outside the cell - the N and C propeptides are removed
The collagen is then released and forms fibrils with cross-linkages between different collagen molecules
How is tensile strength provided by the fibres?
Tropocollagen molecules form fibrils
These rearrange to form collagen fibres
Parallel bundles resist tensile force in one direction
What is Ehlers–Danlos syndromes (EDS)?
A group of inherited connective tissue disorders whose symptoms include stretchy skin and loose joints
Mutations affect collagen production, collagen structure or collagen processing
Do all collagen molecules form fibrils?
An example of a non-fibrillar collagen?
Type IV (does not form fibrils) - present in all basement membranes Type IV collagen molecules assembling into a sheet-like network - associate laterally between triple-helical segments as well as head-to head and tail-to tail between the globular domains to give dimers, tetramers etc.
What are basement membranes?
Flexible, thin mats of ECM underlying epithelial sheets and tubes
Surround muscle, peripheral nerve and fat cells and underlie most epithelia
Contain collagens, glycoproteins and proteoglycans
In which organ is the basement membrane important and what does it form?
Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) - key part of the membrane unit
What is the disorder diabetic nephropathy caused by and what does it lead to?
Accumulation of ECM leading to a highly thickened basement membrane
Restricts renal filtration and can lead to renal failure
What is alport syndrome and what are the symptoms?
Mutations in collagen IV result in an abnormally split and laminated GBM which is associated with a progressive loss of kidney function and also hearing loss
What are elastic fibres and what are they used for?
Elastin core and microfibrils, which are rich in the protein fibrillin
Important for the elasticity of tissues, e.g. skin, blood vessels and lungs
Often, collagen and elastic fibres are interwoven to limit the extent of stretching
What is Marfan’s syndrome and what are the symptoms?
Mutations in the protein fibrillin-1
Lowers the integrity of the elastic fibres by forming abnormal microfibrils
Diverse manifestations, involving primarily the skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular systems, arachnodactyly (spider-like fingers). Individuals can be predisposed to aortic ruptures
What is elastin and how does it function?
Elastin - unusual protein with two types of segments that alternate along the polypeptide chain.
Two types of segment: Hydrophobic regions and a-helical regions (rich in alanine and lysine - many lysine side chains are covalently cross-linked)
Elastin is like a rubber band - it changes its configuration when stretched, when the stress is removed, it will return to its original configuration