Extra Notes Flashcards
7 sins of green washing
1) sin of the hidden trade off: suggesting a product is green based on selective attributes and ignoring important environmental issues.
2) sin of no proof: making a claim that can’t be proven true.
3) sin of vagueness: make broad, ambiguous claims that can be misunderstood.
4) sin of worshipping false labels: giving the impression of third party endorsements, where there is no endorsements.
5) sin of irrelevance: making claims that are truthful but worthless.
6) sin of the lesser two evils: making a claim that is true, but avoiding a much more serious issue.
7) sin of fibbing: claims that are false.
Elastic definition
When a small price change significantly increases or decreases demand.
Inelastic definition
When a price change does not significantly change demand.
Green washing
Exaggerating sustainability claims or using marketing claims or using marketing communications to make products or services appear more sustainable then they truly are.