extra knee injuries Flashcards
__________ knee extension is often associated with patellar tendonitis
some of the signs and symptoms of patellar tendonitis include:
pain with passive knee flexion at end of range, pain with active knee extension
deep transverse friction massage is a treatment for __________
patellar tendonitis
the lateral movement of the patella in patellafemoral pain syndrome, may be due to ________________ or _________________
weakness of the vastus medialis muscle or tightness in the lateral retinaculum
patellar dislocations often occur ________or _________ maneuvers
deceleration or cutting
what are some of the signs and symptoms of a patellar dislocation?(4)
pop followed by collapse of the knee
- sudden onset of swelling
- tenderness along medial and lateral side of the patella
- positive patellar apprehension test
patellafemoral pain syndrome results in increased stress being placed on the ___________ cartilage and ____________ bone of the patella
articular cartilage and subchondral bone
patella femoral pain syndrome be be associated with tightness in several structures, including the ITB, hamstring, quad mm., _______________, abnormal pronation of the foot, _____________, and _______________
increased Q angles, abnormal position of the patella, weakness of the hip adductors
crepitus and pain with squatting, kneeling, sitting, etc are associated with ____________________
patellafemoral pain syndrome