Extra Info For Labs 1-3 Flashcards
What is the function of the central vacuole?
Occupies 85-90% of the total volume of the cell
Gives support to the pant cell when fully expanded
Functions in storage of water as well as enzymes, ions, proteins, and toxins
Why do cells of onion lack green pigment?
Because they lack chloroplasts since they grow underground
Why are chloroplasts green?
Their green pigments called chlorophylls
These are located on a set of internal membranes inside the chloroplast called thylakoid membranes
What are chromoplasts? What do they contain?
Chromoplasts contain carotenoids and are typically yellow orange red or dark in colour
Commonly found in flowers and ripe fruits where their colour attracts animals for pollination or seed dispersal
Which organism is responsible for the colour of fall leaves?
What type of plastid does the green pepper cell, red pepper cell, and the tradescantia leaf have?
Green pepper cell- chloroplasts
Red pepper cell- chromoplasts
Tradescantia- leucoplasts
What are the function of leucoplasts?
Non pigmented plastids that function in storage of starch, proteins, or fats
Is all coloration in plastids caused by plastids? If no, what else does?
No, there are blue purple and red pigments called anthocyanins that occur in the central vacuole of some cells
What are non specialized epidermal cells and specialized epidermal cells?
Non specialized are irregularly shaped cells that fit together like puzzle pieces
Specialized are called guard cells which regulate the opening of pores called stomata
What three things are used synthesize in photosynthesis and what is the product?
Carbon dioxide, water and light are used to synthesize chemical energy in the form of glucose or sugar while releasing oxygen
Why do the discs float when creating a vacuum?
Because the spaces between the cells of the leafs are filled with sodium bicarbonate instead of oxygen and carbon dioxode
What is the function of the plasmodesmata?
Is used to communicate between plant cells via Slender cytoplasmic connections
What’s the difference between microfilaments and microtubules?
Microfilaments- cytoskeletal components responsible for pseudopod formation
Microtubules- cytoskeletal components that make up cilia and flagella for motility
What is the Golgi apparatus?
The modifying sorting and packaging of proteins for secretion
What is the function of lysosomes?
Key in digestion and waste removal