External Factors Affecting Ethnicity And Education Achievement Flashcards
What are the External factors that affect educational achievement in different ethnic groups
1- cultural deprivation
2- material deprivation
3- racism in wider society
What are the sub parts of cultural deprivation
Intellectual and linguistic skills
Attitudes and values
Family structure and parental support
What is cultural deprivation
Underachievement as a result of inadequate socialisation in the home
Cultural deprivation - how do intellectual and linguistic skills affect achievement
And critic of it
-Black w/c families lack intellectual stimulation and have inadequate language skills = poorly equipped for school as haven’t developed problem-solving skills
And have ungrammatical disjointed language,
-speaking diff language at home - bad for grammar, broken English - incapable of explaining abstract ideas.
However, the majority of the time kids who speak two languages excel more than white students
Cultural deprivation- how do attitudes and values affect achievement
Lack of motivation is the main cause of failure in black children
- some black kids are socialised into a subculture that installs fatalistic ‘live for today’ values that do not value education leaving them equipped for success.
Whilst most kids are socialised into mainstream culture that Intils ambition, and deferred gratification which equips them for success
Cultural deprivation- how does family structure and parental support effect education achievement
Failure to socialise kids adequate is due to inadequate parent,a support and dysfunctional family structure.
-Black kids growing up in lone parent families
-Asian families- supportive families ( tiger mothers)
-White working class families - lower levels of parental support
All in more detail»_space;>
Cultural deprivation- parental support/ family structure
Black families
Many black families grow up in female-headed lone-parent families.
-less money as no breadwinning male=inadequate care& lack male role model
-sewell- lack of fatherly nurture (tough love)= hard to overcome emotional and behavioural problems.
-so they seek this fatherly role model in gangs that offer them love and loyalty but provide the boy with anti-school black masculine model = failure
-also black peer pressure to not conform to schools rules
-black kids nurtured by MTV whilst the Chinese are told the importance of studying.
Cultural deprivation- parental support/ family structure
Asian families and criticism of their techniques
-they benefit from supportive families that have an Asian work ethic and place high value pm education
-respectful behaviour towards adults is expected- so get on well w teachers
-high aspiration for children and interested in kids education.
Amy- tiger mothers
- mums who push and motivate their children very hard using tough love eg have to get As and above, no TV or video games, have to go clubs etc
❌- correlation between anxiety and lack of social skills and high achieving Asian students as pressure from parents in too much.
Cultural deprivation- parental support/ family structure
White working class families
-Lack parental support and disiplin
-teachers report poorer levels of behaviour in white w/c kids
-parents have negative attitude towards education due to their own experiences and have low aspiration for their kids and lack of interest in their education
Critisms of cultural deprivation
❌socially sensitive to blame parents for kids’ failure and say their family structure is inadequate and that lone parent families are less successful.
❌- too deterministic to say all black parents and w/c white parents have low aspirations for their kids and arm interested in their ed as its not true.
❌-Keddie- ethnic minority children are culturally different not culturally deprived. they fail because schools are ethnocentric (based of white culture)
Positives of cultural deprivation
Has led to policies being in place to tackle it
- compensatory education eg operation head start, sure start etc
-anti-racism education
- Material deprivation
What is it
Lack of physical necessities that are essential for normal life
Educational failure due to low income and ethnic mimortues are more likely to face this problem
Material deprivation and ethnic minorities stats
- Almost 50% of ethnic minority children live in low-income households
-many live in deprived areas
-high unemployment and low wages
-lack of language skills less likely to be employed
-racial discrimination in work and housing market
-high proportion of ethnic kids on FSM
3- Racism in wider society
Discrimination towards ethnic minorities
How does racism affect kids educational achievement
Discrimination is a common experience for minority groups
Racism leads to social exclusion and poverty
- minorities are more likely to be given substandard (poor) accommodation than white ppl of the same class.
-and less likely to be offered a job based on their name if associated with particular ethnic groups.
So more likely to face unemployment, low pay and inadequate housing for kids’ education negatively impacting their achievement.