External examination Flashcards
The ________ test, is a simple test for estimating the depth of the anterior chamber and the chamber angle
The biomicroscope is commonly called a ___ ___
Slit Lamp
The _____ is consists of a magnification viewing system and a source of illumination that delivers an adjustable narrow beam, or slit, of light
A _____ lens, is a noncontact lens attached to the slit lamp; useful for examining the optic nerve head and small areas of the posterior retina and vitreous
_______ is a method of viewing the chamber angle through a special contact lens placed on the anesthetized eye
The _____ goniolens is a mirrored contact lens used in gonioscopy; reflects an image of the anterior chamber angle, viewed with the aid of a slit lamp
The ______ lens is a high-plus contact lens used in gonioscopy to examine the angle structures directly with a handheld light source and microscope
A handheld instrument with a light and mirror system that provides a 15-fold magnified, monocular view of a narrow field of the ocular fundus
Direct ophthalmoscope
An instrument with a light and mirror system that provides a binocular and wide view of the ocular fundus
Indirect ophthalmoscope
The ______ ophthalmoscope remains the gold standard for examining the peripheral retina and identifying holes and tears
A book of plates that display patterns of colored and gray dots; used for evaluating color vision is called?
pseudoisochromatic color plates
The _____ test is a test that can identify color vision deficits by asking the patient to arrange 15 pastel-colored chips of similar brightness but subtly different hues in a related color sequence
15-hue test or Farnsworth-Munsell D-15 test
The ____ ____ test is a test that uses a strip of filter paper to measure the patient’s tear output and helps to confirm the diagnosis of dry-eye conditions
Schirmer tear test
The ____ ___ ____ ____ test is on that aids in the diagnosis of dry eyes and uses cotton threads treated with a pH indicator to measure the patient’s tear production
Phenol red thread tear test
____ _____ and ____ are dyes used to test the structural and physiologic integrity of the surface epithelium of the eyeball
Fluorescein, rose bengal, and lissamine green