Expressões Flashcards
the expression:
executive action
an action taken by a person in charge which doesn’t follow the usual approval procedure
the expression:
hot under the collar
annoyed or angry
the expression:
don’t blow your top
don’t get angry
the expression:
you’re driving me crackers!
you’re making me annoyed
the expression:
it’s doing my head in
it’s making me annoyed and angry
the expression:
don’t bite my head off
don’t speak to me in an angry way
the expression:
stepping down
resigning from his position
the expression:
full of the joys of spring
very happy / cheerful
the expression:
on cloud 9
very happy
the expression:
thrilled to bits
excited and pleased
the expression:
jump for joy
show great excitement / happiness
the expression:
a nice touch
a kind thought or action
keep your hair on
stop being angry or upset
what’s the meaning of:
hold the fort
look after something while someone else is away
all in good time
there is no need to hurry
late in the day
too late to do anything about it
a stroke of luck
a good thing that’s happened unexpectedly
mum’s the word
keep it a secret
keep it under wraps
keep it a secret
a little dickie bird has told me
somebody has told me something in private
to let the cat out of the bag
tell somebody something that was supposed to be a secret
Crack on
continue doing something quickly
Crack up
start laughing
it’s driving me up the wall
it’s making me very angry
don’t blow a fuse!
don’t lose your temper
fed up to the back teeth
angry because a situation has continued for too long
at the end of his tether
so annoyed he can’t carry on
feather in your cap
an achievement to feel pleased about
a lucky break
a piece of good luck / a good opportunity
a track record
a reputation based on performance or experience
don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched
don’t make plans based on something being succesful until it actually proves to be a success
top dog
best or most important person in a group
a shock to the system
an unexpected surprise
the shock of my life
a very big shock
to jump out of your skin
to be very surprised or shocked