exploring the mass Flashcards
a table for sacrifice
It is say ‘I do believe’
A special time of prayer, adoring Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament
An account of Jesus’ life or teaching.
The piece of unleavened bread that is used in the Mass
to become the Body of the Lord Jesus.
Last supper
The Seder meal which Jesus celebrated with his disciples
in the upper room the night before he died
The worship of God in public prayer. The Liturgy of the
Church is made up of ceremonies for which there are
clear and fixed guidelines
Also called Eucharist. The celebration of the death and
resurrection of Jesus.
A vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament is placed for
The formal set of words and actions to be used in a
What the opening rite
Mass begins with the Sign of the Cross
What the Penitential Rite
We are called to mind our sins and ask for God’s forgiveness at the
beginning of Mass. We are given the opportunity to reflect on how we
have treated one another. The Penitential Rite prepares us to celebrate
the Mass with a clear conscience, united with the whole Catholic
community. The Gloria is a song of rejoicing that is either said or sung
during the Mass.
What the Liturgy of the Word
• First Reading – usually taken from the Old Testament, except
during Easter.
• Responsorial Psalm – taken from the Book of Psalms.
• Second Reading - normally taken from the New Testament and only
takes places on Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist, and feasts.
• Gospel Acclamation - begins with ‘Alleluia’ except during Lent. It is
normally the practice to omit the Gospel Acclamation if it is not sung.
• Gospel – we stand as a sign or respect to listen to the Gospel.
• Homily - a commentary or talk on the readings that have been read at
Mass. It is given by a deacon, bishop or priest.
• Prayers of the Faithful - generally five prayers are said for various
• Creed - the official statement of essential Catholic doctrines and is
recited at Mass
What’s the liturgy of the Eucharist
• Procession of the Gifts - the gifts of bread and wine are brought to
the altar in the chalice and paten by members of the congregation
• Blessing and prayer over the gifts – the priest blesses the bread and
wine and invites the congregation to join him in prayer and
• The Eucharistic Prayer - the central point of the Mass, where the
priest consecrates the bread and wine, which become the Body and
Blood of Christ. This is called the consecration. Everyone at the
Mass show that they agree and understand what has taken place by
saying ‘Amen’ at the end of the prayer, which means ‘I do believe’
• The Lord’s Prayer - the whole congregation joins in the prayer given
to us by Jesus.
• Agnus Dei – meaning Lamb of God; a title given to Jesus.
• Distribution of Holy Communion - the congregation receive the
sacrament of the Eucharist. In recent times this has been received
under both kinds.
• Dismissal – The people are commissioned to go out and spread the
Good News.
What are the signs and symbols used at mass
• The Sign of the Cross - the great Christian sign. This is slightly
different in the Eastern rite.
• Sign of Peace – emphasises harmony within the community, and
unity within the Church.
• Honouring the Book of Gospels – emphasises the importance of
the Word of God.
• Incense – an ancient sign of prayer, offering and sacrifice, and of
honouring people, places and things.
• Genuflection – putting the right knee to the ground before the
Blessed Sacrament as a sign of respect and reverence.
How did the Last Supper start
The Last Supper was when Jesus instituted (started) the Eucharist
because he said that the bread and wine were his Body and Blood. It
was a Seder meal, hence the use of unleavened bread and wine, just
like at Mass, today. At the Last Supper, Jesus asked the apostles to
“Do this in memory of me.” This is why the priest or bishop repeats the
words and action of Jesus at Mass
Why is going to mass important
Going to Mass is a public celebration which can strengthen a person’s
faith. When people receive the Eucharist at Mass, they receive
spiritual help in their lives from God. The readings and homily at Mass
can speak to a person in their lives and help them to live more fully.
What is transubstantiation
Transubstantiation is when the substans (essence) of an object is
changed but the accidens (how it appears to the senses) remains the
same. At Mass, during the consecration, the bread and wine become
the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. The Consecrated Body of
Christ and Precious Blood remain under the appearance of bread and