covenant Flashcards
The be unfaithful to one’s husband or wife
Bitter herds
Some of the ingredients of the Passover meal; ideally
lettuce or parsley
Bread the contains yeast or grain
A solemn promise between two people or groups of
To have an unhealthy desire for something; to be jealous of someone else’s possessions
Many people setting out and leaving a place; the name of
the second book of the Bible; ‘exit
The day of rest; seventh day of the week (Saturday in the
Jewish calendar; Sunday for Christians.)
Someone who frees people from hardships or slavery
The special meal that is celebrated at the Passover.
Husband or wife
What is rainbow a sign of ?
The rainbow is a sign of God’s covenant with Noah
Who was Isaac the son of?
Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah.
The Ten Plagues on Egypt ?
• River of Blood
• Frogs
• Gnats
• Flies
• Death of livestock
• Boils
• Fiery Hail
• Locusts
• Darkness
• The Death of the First-Born
What the food used on Passover day ?
• Matzah (unleavened bread)
• Bitter Herbs
• Lamb or Lamb bone
• Salt Water
• Haroset (Chutney)
• Karpas (roasted egg)
Facts about Moses
• He was raised by the daughter of Pharaoh.
• He escaped death in a wicker basket, floated down the Nile.
• He murdered an Egyptian.
• He fled to Midian.
• He married Zipporah, daughter of Jethro, High Priest of Midian.
• He was called by God in the Burning Bush.
• He went back to Egypt and performed God’s miracles.
The Book of Exodus tells us how the Hebrews were saved from the
Egyptian Army:
• At the command of God, Moses stretched out his staff over the Red
Sea and the waters parted, allowing the Hebrews to cross the sea.
• When the Egyptians pursued the Hebrews into the Red Sea, the
waters returned, destroying Pharaoh’s army and protecting the
• The Pillar of Cloud and Fire prevented the Egyptian army from
reaching the Hebrews.
Facts about Passover
Jews celebrate Passover over eight days. They celebrate the Seder
Meal at the beginning of the festival. They do not eat any chametz
(leaven) during the Passover festival and celebrate it as a family. The
Seder meal involves the eating of symbolic food and the re-telling of the
Exodus story
How can Jesus be described as the New Covenant
• Jesus is God made man, who creates a new relationship between
God and humanity.
• Jesus used the Last Supper, a Seder Meal, to show that he was
the new sign of God’s covenant with his people.
• Jesus is the Messiah; the saviour sent to free us from slavery to
Why are the ten Commandments still important for us today
• The commandments are about love of God and one another, and
this is still important today.
• Some of the commandments are about avoiding killing, stealing
and lying. These are still actions that should be avoided
• Respecting parents is still very important because they have our
best interests at heart.