Exploration Flashcards
Cheng Ho (Zheng He)
AKA The THREE JEWELED UNIC was born a Muslim and was sent
from 1405 to 1433 AD to build over 300 ships and go out and explore. In 1414 he returns to China
with a Giraffe after having made it to E. Africa. In 1433 the EMPEROR orders CHENG HO to stop his
travels ( THE GREAT WITHDRAWL) b/c he felt that it was not in Chinas interest to plunder and
impose on new cultures it’s own ideals and culture.
Castrated men, who were the security guards for the women of royalty.
Silk Road
Was a heavily traveled network of trails that was used for trading from the east to
the west. This was the main route
Prince Henry the Navigator
Had an observatory on the coast in Portugal and he teaches
everyone who comes to him to navigate using the stars. From 1411 to 1451 he funds voyages down
the coast to Africa in search of gold. 15 voyages were sent between 1424 to 1434.
Bartolemo Dias
Was the first person to sail as far south as the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.
Vasco da Gama
Was the first person to make it to India as well as Calicut which bypassed the
Arab middlemen in trade. He was a brutal man who hated Muslims.
Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon)
Believed the world was round and therefore
wanted to sail west to find the east. In August of 1492 he leaves Spain to find the Indian route by
going west but instead finds the New World. On October 12, 1492 he lands on modern day
Hispaniola. Later also finding Panama, Guatemala, and Venezuela. Focused on God, glory and gold.
Isabella and Ferdinand
the King and Queen of Spain that fund the voyage for Columbus
Treaty of Tordesillas
was a treaty issued by the Pope in 1493 that made an imaginary line to
divide the world from North and South to allow Portugal and Spain equal territories in the new world.
The original line was located 300 miles West of the Azores, it was later moved in 1494 to 500 miles
west of the Azores.
Amerigo Vespucci
Is who we credit with charting with greater accuracy the North and South
American Continents. He also gave his Name to the continents. The “Americas” are named after him
sailor for Spain and Portugal
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Found the PACIFIC OCEAN in 1513. He landed in Panama looking
for a golden city and cut across the isthmus, in his crossing he killed over 600 Indians. When he
reached the Pacific he went swimming and claimed the ocean for Spain. He piled up a lot of debt and
was eventually beheaded.
Ferdinand Magellan
had the first ships to circumnavigate the globe Was the first to set sail
around the world he did so from 1519 to 1522 AD. His motive was for power and prestige. He died in
the Philippians after having founded a Church to spread the word of god. He was born in Portugal
poor, and later renounces his citizenship in Portugal b/c they did not want to fund his voyage to the
new world so he goes to Spain and Carlos the 1st funds him. He was known to be a ruthless
commander but loved amongst his crew. He was the fist to sail that far south and the fist to see his
penguins, sea lions, and icebergs. He was also the man who named the Pacific for its peaceful seas.
In the battle in which he died he took on 1500 men with his 60 only. Located the Philippines
Tierra del Fuego
This was the name Magellan gave to the sight of the burning land off the
Southern Tip of South America which what he saw was the Indians burning wood to keep warm in the
Joint-Stock Companies
Were more predominant in Protestant countries then Catholic ones.
They were the predecessors to Stock Market Companies. They also paid out DIVIDENDS to the
investors. This allows for economic development. Allow for greater individual participation
Dutch East India Company (VOC)
Was a Joint-Stock Company
British East India Company (EIC)
Was another Joint- Stock Company