Explanations of attachment Flashcards
What is the cupboard love theory how does attachment occur
according to learning theory, the baby has to learn to form an attachment with his/her primary caregiver
what is the classical conditionings explanation for why attachment occur with the primary care giver
according to learning theory, the baby has to learn to form an attachment with his/her primary caregiver
what are some examples of operant conditioing in infants behvoiur
• babies cry for comfort and the caregiver responds building attachment
• if the correct response is given, crying is reinforced
• The care giver response is comforting the “socail suppressor” behaviour
• It is a two way process - the baby is reinforced and the caregiver receives negative reinforcement because the baby stops crying
what is some evidence against the learing thoery from animal studies
- lorenz’s geese imprinted before they were fed
- Harlow’s monkeys preferrred the cloth mother over the wire mother with food
what is some negtive evaluaitons of the learning theory
- in a study conducted many babies developed a primary attachement to thier biological mother even though other care givers fed them
- reciprocity and interactional synchrony is ignored by the learing theory
- good quality attachment was shown when infatns were responded to and signal were picked up
what is a posotive evaluation of learing thoery
- many areas of the human development are affacted by conditioning
- The attachment is not necessarily about food but the reinforcement between primary caregivera dn the provision of comfort and social interaction
What’s is evolutionary theory’s role in attachment
It is the idea that we have a biological need to attach to our main caregiver. This need has been developed through natural selection to ensure the survival of the child
What is Bowlby idea of monotropy within attachment theory
This is that there is a survival gain to be made through having an attachment with the mother. This provides a safe base giving us confidence to explore our environment
Why does bowlby believe that forming this attachment is important for later development
This provides a template for all future relationships, we learn to trust and care for others. This forms and internal working model for all later attachment.
What is the law of accumulated separation
the effects of every seperation from the mother add up and the safest does is none
What does attachments being sensitive mean for them
as the months pass it becomes increasingly difficult to form infant caregiver attachments. If the child fails to form an attachment in this critical period they could be damged for life, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically
How does bowlby’s AMSSI theory explain how attachments occur:
• Adaptive period
• monotropy period
• sensitive period
• social releasers period
• internal working model period