Attachment Flashcards
What is attachment
this is the relationship between a infant and their care giver
What is a bond
this is a set of feeling that tie one person to another
What Is a bond
this is a set of feeling that tie one person to another
What is the difference between a bond an attachment
an attachment is different as it involves both the baby and the parent who have an emotional link between each other which ties them together. It is a strong emotional bond
What are Maccobys four characteristics of attachment
• seeking proximity
• Distress on separation
• Joy on reunion
• Orientation of behaviour
Why do attachments form
infants physically helpless
In short term - need adults for food, comfort and protection
In long term - emotional relationships
What is reciprocity
caregiver infant integration is a two-way mutual process. The behaviour of each party elicits a response form the other.
What is interaction synchrony
The baby’s movements interact with the caregivers voice, conversation dance
What is a sensitive response
The caregiver responds appropriately to signals from the infant
What is imitation
The in fact copies the caregivers actions and behaviour
What is motherese
The slow high pitched way of speaking to infants
What are schaffers stage in attachment
- Pre attachment
- the indiscriminate
- the discriminate
- the multiple attachment
What is the pre attachment phase
0-3 months of Baby learns to separate people from objects but doesn’t mind who cares for it
What is the indiscriminate phase
From 3 - 7 months the baby starts to distinguish and recognise different people but doesn’t mind who cares for it
What is the discriminate phase
From 7 - 11 months the infant becomes able to form a strong attachment with an individual