Explanations for gaps between rich and poor Flashcards
Inequality is the product of class exploitation, Capitalists exploit the working class
Workers create wealth through their labour bur are not paid the full value of their work, capitalists extract the profit and this explains increasing wealth gap
An end to capitalism, in a revolution, is required to end inequality
The key to the persistence of inequalities in distribution of wealth is inheritance as the rich are able to transfer their wealth
Marxist A03
Fails to recognise inequality is also based on gender or ethnic group exploitation not just social class Countries that did adopt Communist systems failed to get rid of poverty
New Right Theory
Differences in wealth reflect differences in ability and effort
Believe society is a meritocracy and equal opportunities exist for all, an individual’s income results from their hard work and ability
Lowering taxes means that the rich can get richer by keeping more of what they rightfully earn and cutting benefits means the talentless will get the poverty they deserve
‘Trickle down theory’- if individuals are able to generate as much wealth as possible then eventually the wealth of the rich will benefit those less well off in the form of employment and opportunities
New Right A03
Not much evidence of the tickle down theory working
ONS calculates 1/3 of the population lived in relative poverty in the last 5 years
Functionalist theory
Davis and Moore: Agree with New Right that inequality is inevitable in society, believe different roles in society are given different levels of reward as they are seen as more functionally important eg doctors
Those with the greatest talents/skills will receive the greatest rewards as this ensures the needs of society are met
Value consensus- people accept inequality as they realise successful people have achieved their position
Meritocracy exists and there is equality of opportunity’s
Functionalist A03
It is subjective to claim that some jobs are more functionally important than others eg doctor worth more than a nurse?
Society is patriarchal, inequality is based on gender and sexual oppression
Assumption that women will bear the primary responsibility for childcare affects length of time women spend in work
Their domestic situation reduces the amount that they can earn and makes them economically dependent on males
Feminist A03
Critics argue that they fail to explain levels of inequality among women
Poverty can depend on issues to do with ethnicity