Explanations For Forgetting Flashcards
What is interference?
When two pieces of information conflict with each other, resulting in the forgetting of one or both of the parts of information or some distortion in the memory
What kind of memory does interference theory affect?
Long-term memory
What are the two kinds of interference?
Proactive interference and retroactive interference
What is proactive interference?
When an older memory interferes with a new one.
What is retroactive interference?
When a new memory interferes with an older one
What causes both retroactive and proactive interference to become worse?
When the pieces of information in the memories are similar
What are the two possible reasons behind why similarity of memories causes interference?
It could be due to proactive interference where previously stored information makes new similar information. More difficult to store.
It could be due to retroactive interference where new information over previous similar information because of similarity.
What is the strength of interference theory?
Control with laboratory experiments are consistently used to demonstrate findings in interference theory.
What is an issue with interference theory?
Although controlled lab studies often used to study at most material used in the studies or lists of words. For example, remembering a list of consonant syllables.
What is research into interference theory?
Rugby players were asked to recall the names of teams they played earlier in the rugby season. The amount that they remembered depended on how many games they played since as if they had played a lot of games since retroactive interference took place but interference took place if they haven’t played once since.
Why does retrieval failure happen?
When you have insufficient cues
When information is placed in the memory, what else is stored at the same time?
Associated queues that will help you remember this memory
What does encoding specificity principal state?
That if a queue is used to help us recall information and it has to be present at encoding and at retrieval
Therefore, the more cues person is exposed to the more they’re likely to remember
What are the two kinds of non-meaningful cues?
Context dependent forgetting
State dependent forgetting
What is context dependent forgetting?
This is when you can only recall when there is an external cue (e.g weather or a place)