Coding, Capacity And Duration Flashcards
What is coding/encoding?
The former in which information is stored in the various memory stores.
What does storage mean?
Holding information in the memory system.
What is retrieval?
Recovering information from storage
What is capacity?
The amount of information that can be held in a memory store
What is duration?
The length of time information can be held in a memory store.
What are the two kinds of memory?
Short-term memory
Long-term memory
What are the differences between long-term and short-term memory?
What are the three ways of coding?
Acoustic coding
Visual coding
Semantic coding
What is acoustic coding?
The sound of a stimulus
What is visual coding?
The physical appearance of a stimulus
What is semantic coding?
The meaning of a stimulus
How was research into coding in STM done?
Participants were shown a random sequence of five words from one of these categories:
Group 1, acoustically similar words
Group 2, acoustically dissimilar words
Group 3, semantically similar words
Group 4, semantically dissimilar words
What was discovered in research into coding and STM?
When patients were asked to recall words in the correct order immediately, they did worse with acoustically similar words suggesting the STM codes acoustically.
How was research into coding in LTM done?
The experiment was repeated after an interval of 20 minutes. This time semantic similarity was significantly different in results, suggesting that LTM code semantically.
Why did doing worse on acoustically similar words for STM and semantically similar words for LTM mean that they coded that way?
Because errors suggest processing which suggests coding. It is the idea that when you fill a memory store up with its form of memories until it is too full, you make mistakes and forget things.