Explain one study of assimilation. Flashcards
Assimilation (1)
Assimilation is the process of adopting the cultural and social norms of the dominant culture, often losing aspects of one’s own culture in the process. Often failure to assimilate may lead to marginalization.
Assimilation (2)
Psychologists argue that integration, rather than assimilation, is important for the mental health of immigrants, where they would become bicultural, being able to function in both the new culture and their original culture. Assimilation often leads to acculturative stress which can have a negative effect on mental health.
One study of Assimilation
Lueck and Wilson carried out a set of semi-structured interviews to study the factors that increased acculturative stress in a large sample of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans.
procedure of Leuck and Wilson
The interviews were conducted either online or face-to-face. The interviews measured the level of acculturative stress, language proficiency, strength of family ties, and socioeconomic status.
Results of Leuck and Wilson
70% of the sample said that they experienced acculturative stress. The researchers found that being bilingual resulted in lower acculturative stress.
Higher levels of stress were found in Asians who did not know their native language well enough to discuss important issues with family members or members of the community.
Although bilingualism is a predictor of low acculturative stress, the preference for speaking English only is a predictor of high acculturative stress.
Conclusion of Leuck and Wilson
This study shows that Asian immigrants who had assimilated experienced higher levels of stress. They had adopted the language of the majority culture and “lost” their ability to communicate in their mother tongue.
Those that had integrated experienced less stress. Asians who are able to use both languages equally with their friends are able to build up networks of support within and outside their community. This is an important protective factor against stress.
This study indicates that assimilation may be a less healthy approach to acculturation than integration.