Experiencing a transition Flashcards
What is experiencing a transition?
-Moving house
-Moving school
-Change of routine - e.g if a younger sibling is born
-Moving countries
Anything that alters the child’s lifestyle.
How can change impact a child’s development?
Change can significantly impact a child’s development in various ways:
- Emotional Responses: Children may experience a range of emotions when faced with change, such as anxiety, excitement, or sadness. Their ability to adapt to these emotions can influence their emotional development.
- Social Skills: Changes, like moving to a new school or community, can affect a child’s social interactions. They may need to develop new friendships and navigate different social dynamics, which can enhance their social skills.
- Cognitive Growth: Experiencing change can encourage children to think critically and problem-solve as they adapt to new situations. This can foster cognitive development and resilience.
- Routine and Stability: Children thrive on routine, and significant changes can disrupt their sense of stability. Providing support and reassurance during transitions can help them adjust and maintain a sense of security.
Overall, how a child responds to change can shape their development, influencing their emotional, social, and cognitive growth.
And it can also affect and reduce their confidence and self-esteem as they may feel different to others- e.g if they’ve moved countries and need to learn a new language.