Existence of God (r) Flashcards
God is present all around us. He has no boundaries in the physical and spiritual world.
God is all-loving. He has created the perfect world for his creation and provided animals and a clean environment for us.
God is powerful. He has created the universe and can create beyond human understanding.
God is all-knowing. He is aware of what will happen in the world. He has a plan for everyone.
Basic definition of the Cosmological Argument
- everything that exists has a cause
- the universe must have a cause
- that cause is God
- It gives an explanation of why there is something rather than nothing
What 3 ways did Thomas Aquinas put forward to make up the Cosmological Argument?
- Motion/Change
- Cause
- Contigency
Describe the 1st Argument: (change)
- Things don’t just change out of nowhere
- No infinite regression
- Must have been an something that started the changes:
An unmoved mover which must be God
Describe the 2nd Argument: (Cause)
- There is a chain of causes
- Must of been a first cause
- The first cause is what we call “God”
“Therefore it is necessary to admit it a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God”
Describe the 3rd Argument: (Contingency)
- It is something dependent on something else
- We are contingent and our survival is dependent on God
Describe The Watch Analogy: William Paley
There a rock that has always been there, requiring no purpose or design. There is a watch that has a complex design, someone would of made it (an intelligent being) and the watch hus a purpose. The watch is like the universe it has an intelligent creator which must be God.
Describe The Archer Analogy:
Thomas Aquinas
The archer analogy is where it shows that a bow and arrow would be useless and have no purpose. So if an archer (intelligent being) uses the bow and arrow then that gives it a purpose. So Aquinas uses this to compare it to the world and says that the “purpose giver” is God and gives the world and humans purpose.
Describe Arthur Brown’s theory about the Ozone layer
The Ozone layer seems perfect for life without it humans wouldn’t be able to survive. The Ozone layer is able to heal itself it seems too be perfectly created for humans.